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By Nayanima Basu - Read more
This round to dislodge Karnataka CM Yediyurappa fails,
but dissidents not ready to bow
By Shanker Arnimesh - Read more
Covid can cause loss of brain grey matter in recovered
patients, Oxford researchers find
By Mohana Basu - Read more
It has been 30 years since India’s big bang 1991 economic reforms. But the
pandemic can risk the next 30. The most important task, economically and from
the welfare angle, is to get people back to work, and to promote job-intensive
activities, writes T N Ninan.
All Indians know the essential plot of the Mahabharata. But it’s 2021, and
Indian millennials are long overdue for a fresh film or series on humanity’s
longest poem. It’s time for a Mahabharat cinematic universe, writes Prince
Aditya, Bain & Co consultant.
From world’s first bionic bird to what makes spiders stick on all surfaces —
watch this episode of 'ScientiFix' with ThePrint’s Mohana Basu for the top
science stories of the week from across the globe.
It is possible that we may never find out whether the virus jumped directly to
humans from an animal or leaked because of a lab accident, investigative
journalist and author Katherine Eban tells Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta in
ThePrint's 'Off The Cuff', where she breaks down her Vanity Fair report into the
origins of the coronavirus.