Page 4 - Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Georgia’s Teenage and Adult Driver x
Responsibility Act (TADRA)
Chapter 2 Traffic Laws & Safe Driving x
Chapter 3 Alcohol and Drug Awareness x
Chapter 4 Summary and Discussion x
Parent/Teen Driving Agreement x
P. 4
David W. Connell – Chair The Department of Driver Services (DDS) Board of Directors would
Jeff Markey – Vice Chair like to remind teens that driving in Georgia is a privilege that carries
many responsibilities. Please strive to become a safe, sober, and
Britt Fleck – Secretary
dependable driver to ensure that this privilege will not be lost.
Rachel Little – Member
This manual has two main purposes:
Bob Pierce – Member
(1) to inform the young people of this state of the dangers involved
Kat Satterfield – Member in consuming alcohol or drugs in connection with the operation of a
Tony Guisasola – Member motor vehicle; and
Christie Moore – Member (2) to emphasize the importance of highway safety and crash
Frank Reynolds – Member prevention.
The Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) is abide by the Title VI Program Assurances and to
committed to compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights ensure that written agreements with any party for
Act of 1964 and all related nondiscrimination federally funded programs or services will include the
authorities. DDS assures that no person shall, on the applicable Title VI language as provided in the Title
grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, VI Program Assurances.
disability, low-income, and Limited English Proficiency
(LEP), be excluded from participation in, be denied the The DDS Title VI Program Coordinator is responsible
benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination for oversight of the Title VI Program and ensuring
under any program or activity. DDS further assures compliance with the requirements provided in 49
that every effort will be made to ensure Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R) Part 21 and 49
nondiscrimination in all its programs and activities, C.F.R. Part 303. The Title VI Program Coordinator and
whether those programs and activities are federally all Division Directors are authorized to effectively
funded. In addition, DDS will take reasonable steps to implement the Title VI Program on behalf of the
provide meaningful access to services for persons with Department.
Limited English Proficiency. Finally, DDS agrees to
DDS has 68 locations throughout the state. For complete information including driving directions, please
visit or
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