Page 9 - Table of Contents Chapter 1 Georgia’s Teenage and Adult Driver x Responsibility Act (TADRA) Chapter 2 Traffic Laws & Safe Driving x Chapter 3 Alcohol and Drug Awareness x Chapter 4 Summary and Discussion x Parent/Teen Driving Agreement x Messages
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responsible adult present to sign the application and   •  An employee of a homeless shelter where the
           complete  the  Responsible  Adult  Affidavit.  A          applicant resides (must provide an employee ID
           responsible  adult  is  a  person  who  is  18  years  of   or a letter from the shelter),
           age    or   older,   competent   to   verify   the

           application,  and  has  personal  knowledge  of  the   •          applicant (must  provide
           applicant. He or she may be:                              a valid  marriage  license  or  document
                                                                     reflecting marriage to the biological parent of the

            •    parent  or  legal  guardian of  the  applicant      applicant),
               (must provide school   military documents, tax
               information or a driver’s license/permit/ID card to   •  Other persons who can be identified by   state
               show relationship to applicant),                      agency    official,  school  official    certified
                                                                     school records, or documentation from a federal
            •    social  worker  who  has  worked  with  the         agency or entity.
               applicant (must provide an employee ID or a letter
               from the state agency),

          Did You Know?

          FACT:  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about seven (7) teens ages 16
                   to 19 die everyday from motor vehicle injuries.
          FACT:   Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) reports that more than 1,000 crashes happen
                   around the state daily and an estimated 31 people die each week on Georgia roadways.

          FACT:   Two or more peer passengers more than triples the risk of a fatal crash with a teen at the wheel.

          FACT:   The State of Georgia applies strict penalties to teens who fail to obey the laws regarding
                   the operation of the vehicle.

          FACT:   The parent, legal guardian or responsible adult who signed a minor's application for an instructional
                   permit or driver's license may request revocation of the permit or license at any time before the
                   minor's 18th birthday.

          FACT:  Georgia law requires that all drivers, including bicyclists, obey all official highway signs and traffic
                   control signals unless otherwise directed by a police office or emergency worker.

            CHAPTER 2:  TRAFFIC LAWS &                           •   The Hands-Free Georgia  Act (O.C.G.A.  §40-6-
            SAFE DRIVING                                             241) prohibits the use of handheld devices while
                                                                     driving a motor vehicle.

            Traffic  laws  alone  cannot  regulate  every  type  of   TRAFFIC LAWS
            driving situation that may occur. There are some
            general rules which drivers should understand and     Safety Belts
            follow. Read this chapter with care. These safety tips
            might help you avoid a crash, serious injury, or even   O.C.G.A. §40-8-76.1 requires that each occupant of
            death. These are only general statements and cannot   the  front seat of a passenger vehicle,  while such
            dictate your actions in all situations. It is up to you to   passenger vehicle is being operated on a public road,
            evaluate the situation and decide the best course of   street, or highway of this state, be restrained by a seat
            action.                                               safety belt approved under Federal  Motor Vehicle
                                                                  Safety Standard 208. In Georgia, the term “passenger
           •   Occupant Safety (O.C.G.A. §40-8-76): Georgia       vehicle” means every motor vehicle, including, but not
               Law requires that each occupant in a front seat    limited  to, pickup trucks, vans,  and sport utility
               be restrained by a seat belt.

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