Page 2 - The Scoop Newsletter January 2020
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            Managers Meeting

Annual Managers Meeting: Let’s Transform

The theme of the recent Annual Managers’
Meeting was “Let’s Transform”. It will also be our
theme for 2020 as DDS works to transform the
way we do business with DRIVES.

Approximately 164 DDS managers gathered
at the Marriott in Macon for a day of learning,
team building and comradery. Our business
partners from Thales were on hand to provide a
demonstrated of the electronic DL/ID which we
will work towards during the upcoming Legislative Session. Also, the members of
the DRIVES project team were available to answer questions and show a demo of
how the card issuance system may look!

There were also several team building activities including a very popular Scavenger


The Program contained two presentors covering topics of Conflict Resolution
and Emotional Intelligence. Both presenters had excellent tips for improving our
customer service and being a better DDS Team Member.

Conflict Resolution

Lori Daigle is a Regional Manager with the
Colorado Driver License Division and is
responsible for 14 licensing offices and over
100 employees. She specializes in Conflict
Resolution and has traveled her state coaching
her team. How do you respond to conflict? The
ability to successfully resolve conflict depends
on your ability to:
•Manage stress quickly while remaining alert
and calm. By staying calm, you can accurately read and interpret verbal and
nonverbal communication.
•Control your emotions and behavior. When you’re in control of your emotions,
you can communicate your needs without threatening, intimidating, or punishing
•Pay attention to the feelings being expressed as well as the spoken words of others.
•Be aware of and respect differences. By avoiding disrespectful words and actions,
you can almost always resolve a problem fast.

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