Page 6 - Scoop May 2022
P. 6
FMCSA: Savannah Community Coalition
On April 5, 2022, the Georgia Depart-
ment of Driver Services travelled
down to Savannah, GA to attend the
annual Community Coalition Meet-
ing held by the Federal Motor Car-
rier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
Georgia Division. The meeting
hosted over 70 attendees represent-
ing over 30 motor carrier agencies
throughout the Southeast region.
In that number was the DDS Regu-
latory Compliance Division—CDL
Unit, where the CDL Human Traffick-
ing Coordinator—Kayla Peeples—
presented on human trafficking
awareness in the commercial motor
vehicle industry. Also in attendance
was Regulatory Compliance Deputy
Director—Juenesse Holman—where
she spoke of new ELDT requirements
for commercial licenses, answered
questions, and provided DDS up-
dates to attendees.
The Coalition Meeting is an opportu-
nity for trucking industry stakehold-
ers to come together and discuss the
mission of preventing crashes and
fatalities within the CMV industry
and share industry innovations and
news amongst each other. Represen-
tatives from the Georgia Department
of Public Safety and the Georgia Port
Authority were also in attendance.