Page 8 - Scoop May 2022
P. 8
Of Clouds and Whales
Left to Right: Vaishali Jadhav, Kym Vrooman and Bill Fentress. Also attending, but not pictured,
was Renee Alonso
Team Members from IT had a working field trip on Friday, April 22 at the Georgia Aquarium! They attended the first
annual Amazon Web Services (AWS) Georgia Public Sector Innovation Day. They enjoyed an interactive classroom
experience with spectacular views of beluga whales! The event focused on the practical aspects of migration and
modernization, disaster recovery, cloud computing and more.
Dallas CSC Out and About
The Dallas CSC attended the Paulding County Touch-A-Truck event. The Team had fun with the center's mascot,
a sloth named Flash, taking photos with the big license and handing out candy. The parents and kids alike abso-
lutely adored their "first license." It was an awesome event that was used to network with county officials, police,
and local businesses.