Page 7 - Scoop November 2021
P. 7

THE SCOOP   November 2021

                                      AAMVA Honors for Investigator Woo

                                                DDS Investigator James Woo was recently presented the 2020
                                                Fraud Prevention and Detection for a Law Enforcement Individual
                                                Award from AAMVA.  The case that was submitted to AAMVA in-
                                                volved an investigation into an identity theft claim leading to a col-
                                                laboration with the US State Department, US Social Security Admn.
                                                and other States. It was discovered that the accused had obtained
                                                state licenses or IDs fraudulently in multiple states. The individual
                                                was arrested and prosecuted for several counts of making ‘False
                                                Statements and Writings’ and three counts of ‘Forgery in the First

                                                Congratulations to Investigator Woo!  Thank you for all you do to
                                                uphold the safety and security of one of our state's most important

                                                ABOUT AAMVA
                                                The American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA) is a
                                                nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing safety and security for
                                                driver and vehicle licensing, administration and related enforcement.
                                                AAMVA develops model programs in motor vehicle administration, law
      Commissioner Moore presents the           enforcement and highway safety. The association's programs encourage
      Award to Investigator Woo.                uniformity and reciprocity among the states and provinces, and liaisons
                                                with other levels of government and the private sector.

      Commissioner Moore; Jared Smith, Director of OIS, Inv. Woo; Tony            Jared Smith and James Woo
      White, Deputy Director of OIS; and Inv. Larry McDuffie

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