Page 10 - The Scoop October 2019
P. 10


       Warner Robins/ Perry CSC
          Community Outreach

       On Thursday September 26th, Warner Robins Center Manager
       Cenizan Collins and Perry Center Manager Jerri Williams traveled
       to Hawkins High School for their Community Outreach Event.
       The students and faculty were very excited to have the team
       present. The students asked questions about what documents
       were needed in order to receive a permit or driver license. The
       faculty eagerly asked questions about their own driver's license
       needs as well. The Team provided manuals and paperwork for
       the teens to study to help them obtain their driver's licenses and
       permits in the future.
       Additionally, this community visit was extra special because
       Hawkins High School is Cenzian Collins' Alma Mater! She shared
       that returning to those halls after 20 years was very exciting.

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