Page 9 - April 2023 Scoop
P. 9

Representatives from two dozen states and the U.S. Air Force gathered in Corpus
              Christi, Texas, to participate in two classes to prepare trainers to train examiners
              in their jurisdictions to offer the new, modernized CDL vehicle inspection (VI) and
               Basic Control Skills (BCS) portions of the test. Patrick O'Hanlon,  CDL Manager,
              represented DDS! Attendees had classroom training and hands on testing led by
              AAMVA and Highway Safety Services staff along with jurisdiction members of the
                      Test Maintenance Subcommittee from four states.  Thanks Patrick!

                                         F E B R U A R Y   A C T S   O F   K I N D N E S S

                                  T O T A L   T E A M   A C T S   O F   K I N D N E S S :                   5

                                T O T A L   I N D I V I D U A L   A C T S   O F   K I N D N E S S :     3 1
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