Page 14 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 14
The Georgia Department of Public Safety, Motor
Carrier Compliance Division (MCCD), promotes
Georgia Targeting Aggressive Cars and Trucks
(GTACT), a positive message to the motoring
public to "Leave More Space". This is accom
plished by conducting enforcement activity in
High Crash Corridors and Outreach activities
in selected geographical locations. GTACT is a
partnership between MCCD, Federal Motor Car
rier Safety Administration, Georgia Motor Truck
ing Association, state and local law enforcement.
1. Having two axles and a gross vehicle - .025 Price per gallon or liter or total There are different routes that a driver may
weight or registered gross vehicle weight amount of sale take, and most of the miles may be within one
exceeding 26,000 pounds or 11,797 kilo - .030 Unit number or other unique ve state or province. Whether or not the distance you
grams; or hicle identifier travel is primarily in one jurisdiction or spread
2. Is used in combination, when the weight of - .035 Purchaser's name among several jurisdictions, all information for
such combination exceeds 26,000 pounds or An example of an IVDR that must be com the trip must be recorded. This includes the dates,
11,797 kilograms gross vehicle or registered the routes, odometer readings and fuel purchases.
gross vehicle weight. Qualified Motor Ve pleted in its entirety for each trip can be found in By completing this document in full and
Figure 1.3 below. Each individual IVDR should
hicle does not include recreational vehicles. be filled out for only one vehicle. The rules to keeping all records required by both the IRP
If the vehicle you operate is registered under follow when trying to determine how and when and the IFTA, you will have ensured that you
IRP and you are a motor carrier licensed under to log an odometer reading are the following: and your company are in compliance with all
State and Provincial laws surrounding fuel and
IFfA, then you are required to comply with the
mandatory record keeping requirements for • At the beginning of the day distance record keeping requirements.
The IVDR serves as the source document for
operating the vehicle. A universally accepted • When leaving the state or province the calculation of fees and taxes that are pay
method of capturing this information is through • At the end of the trip/day able to the jurisdictions in which the vehicle
the completion of an Individual Vehicle Distance is operated, so these original records must be
Record (IVDR), sometimes times referred to as a Not only do the trips need to be logged, but
Driver Trip Report. This document reflects the the fuel purchases need to be documented as maintained for a minimum of four years.
In addition, these records are subject to audit
distance traveled and fuel purchased for a ve well. You must obtain a receipt for all fueling
hicle that operates interstate under apportioned and include it with your completed IVDR. by the taxing jurisdictions. Failure to maintain
complete and accurate records could result in
(IRP) registration and IFTA fuel tax credentials. Make sure that any trips that you enter are fines, penalties and suspension or revocation of
Although the actual format of the IVOR always filled out in descending order and that
may vary, the information that is required your trips include all state/provinces that you IRP registrations and IFfA licenses.
for proper record keeping does not. traveled through on your route.
In order to satisfy the requirements for Indi
vidual Vehicle Distance Records, these docu
ments must include the following information:
Jndnri11.:I Vchime Mil� And �cl. Reaondl
• Distance. Per Article IV of the IRP Plan
1. Date of trip (starting and ending)
2. Trip origin and destination -City and State
or Province ----------..........
3. Route(s) of travel
4. Beginning and ending odometer or hu- 1111�•-L
bodometer reading of the trip � Nll�OriS.
5. Total distance traveled 0Hlhi!-....OH
6. In-Jurisdiction distance
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7. Power unit number or vehicle identifica EE=�--,=J1C1. w _ _ _
tion number. �==��========�=�■-t .--- - I■ - • I
= r
• Fuel. Per Section P560 of the IFf A Procedures 1-----11------------"" '-J"'IL.--._.--_.••µ---,--..-:...-e.,I _____ .J.._--l
Manual I I
» .300 An acceptable receipt or invoice must
include, but shall not be limited to, the
.005 Date of purchase
- .010 Seller's name and address
- .015 Number of gallons or liters pur-
- .020 Fuel type Figure 1.3 - Individual Vehicle Mileage & Fuel Record (Example)