Page 13 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 13


           a fine of not less than $100,000.00 nor more   You must be properly restrained by a safety  International Registration Plan (IRP) and the
           than $1 million, or both.(f) Notwithstanding  belt at all times while operating a commercial  International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA). These
           subsections (d) and (e) of this Code section, if  motor vehicle. The safety belt design holds the  federally mandated programs provide for the
           the property taken is a trailer, semitrailer, con­  driver securely behind the wheel during a crash,  equitable collection and distribution of vehicle
           tainer, or other associated equipment, or the  helping the driver to control the vehicle and  license fees and motor fuels taxes for vehicles
           cargo being transported therein or thereon,  reduces the chance of serious injury or death.  traveling throughout the 48 contiguous United
           which is deployed by or used by a law en­  If you do not wear a safety belt, you are four  States and 10 Canadian provinces.
           forcement agency, regardless of its value, a  times more likely to be fatally injured if you   Under the IRP, jurisdictions must register
           person convicted of a violation of this Code  are thrown from the vehicle.   apportioned vehicles which includes issuing
           section shall be punished by imprisonment   You are not allowed to hold a mobile tele­  license plates and cab cards or proper creden­
           for not less than one nor more than ten years,  phone to conduct a voice communication or  tials, calculate, collect and distribute IRP fees,
           a fine of not less than $10,000.00 nor more than  dial a mobile telephone by pressing more than  audit carriers for accuracy of reported distance
           $100,000.00, or both.(g) A person convicted of  a single button when driving.   and fees and enforce IRP requirements.
           a violation of this Code section may also be   You are not allowed to send or read text mes­  Registrant responsibilities under the Plan
           punished by, if applicable, the revocation of  sages while driving.   include applying for IRP registration with base
           the defendant's commercial driver's license                           jurisdiction, providing proper documentation for
           in accordance with Code Section 40-5-151.   Penalties for False Information   registration, paying appropriate IRP registration
          1.4- Other CDL Rules               • Pursuant to 49 CFR 383.73G), if a State deter­  fees, properly displaying registration credentials,
                                                                                 maintaining accurate distance records, and mak­
           There are other federal and state rules that   mines, in its check of an applicant's license  ing records available for jurisdiction review.
         affect drivers  operating CMVs in all states.   status and record prior to issuing a CLP or  The basic concept behind IFTA is to allow
                                               COL, or at any time after the CLP or COL is
         Among them are:                       issued, that the applicant has falsified infor­  a licensee (motor carrier) to license in a base
          • You cannot have more than one license. If  mation contained in subpart J of this part, in  jurisdiction for the reporting and payment of
                                                                                 motor fuel use taxes.
           you break this rule, a court may fine you up   any of the certifications required in§ 383.71(b)
                                                                                   Under the IFTA, a licensee is issued one set
           to $5,000 or put you in jail        or (g), or in any of the documents required  of credentials which will authorize operations
                                               to be submitted by § 383.71(h), the State must
          • You must notify your employer within 30  at a minimum disqualify the person's CLP   through all IFTA member jurisdictions.  The
           days of conviction for any traffic violations                         fuel use taxes collected pursuant to the IFTA
                                               or COL or his/her pending application, or
           (except parking). This is true no matter what  disqualify the person from operating a com­  are calculated based on the number of miles
           type of vehicle you were driving.   mercial motor vehicle for a period of at least  (kilometers) traveled and the number of gallons
          • You must notify your motor vehicle licensing  60 consecutive days.   (liters) consumed in the member jurisdictions.
           agency within 30 days if you are convicted in  • Pursuant to 49 CFR 383.73(k)(l), the State  The licensee files one quarterly tax return with
                                                                                 the base jurisdiction by which the licensee will
           any other jurisdiction of any traffic violation                       report all operations through all IFTA member
           (except parking). This is true no matter what  must have policies in effect that result, at a  jurisdictions.
                                               minimum, in the disqualification of the CLP
           type of vehicle you were driving.   or COL of a person who has been convicted  It is the base jurisdiction's responsibility to
          • You must notify your employer within two  of fraud related to the issuance of that CLP  remit the taxes collected to other member ju­
           business days if your license is suspended,  or COL. The application of a person so con­ risdictions and to represent the other member
           revoked, or canceled, or if you are disquali­  victed who seeks to renew, transfer, or up­  jurisdictions in the tax collection process, in­
           fied from driving.                  grade the fraudulently obtained CLP or COL  cluding the performance of audits.
          • You must give your employer information on  must also, at a minimum, be disqualified. The   An IFTA licensee must  retain records to
                                               State must record any such withdrawal in  support the information reported on the IFTA
           all driving jobs you have held for the past 10  the person's driving record. The person may  quarterly tax return
           years. You must do this when you apply for
           a commercial driving job.           not reapply for a new COL for at least 1 year.  The IRP registrant and the IFTA licensee
                                             • Pursuant to 49 CFR 383.73(k)(2), if a State re­  may be the vehicle owner or the vehicle op­
          • No one can drive a commercial motor vehicle  ceives credible information that a CLP- or  erator.
           without a COL. A court may fine you up to                               The requirement for acquiring IRP plates for
           $5,000 or put you in jail for breaking this rule.  COL-holder is suspected, but has not been  a vehicle and IFTA license for a motor carrier
                                               convicted, of fraud related to the issuance
          • If you have a hazardous materials endorse­  of his/her CLP or CDL, the State must re­  is determined by the definitions from the IRP
                                                                                 Plan and the IFTA for Qualified Vehicle and
           ment you must notify and surrender your  quire the driver to re-take the skills and/or
           hazardous materials endorsement to the state   knowledge tests. Within 30 days of receiving  Qualified Motor Vehicle. For purposes of IRP:
           that issued your COL within 24 hours of any  notification from the State that re-testing is  • A Qualified Vehicle is (except as provided
           conviction or indictment in any jurisdiction,  necessary, the affected CLP- or COL-holder  below) any Power Unit that is used or in­
           civilian or military, for, or found not guilty by  must  make  an appointment or otherwise  tended for use in two or more Member Juris­
           reason of insanity of a disqualifying crime  schedule to take the next available test. If the  dictions and that is used for the transporta­
           listed in 49 CFR 1572.103; who is adjudicated  CLP- or COL-holder fails to make an appoint­  tion of persons for hire or designed, used, or
           as a mental defective or committed to a men­  ment within 30 days, the State must disqualify  maintained primarily for the transportation
           tal institution as specified in 49 CFR 1572.109;  his/her CLP or CDL. If the driver fails either  of property, and:
           or who renounces his or her U. S. citizenship;  the knowledge or skills test or does not take  1. has two Axles and a gross Vehicle weight
          • Your employer may not let you drive a com­  the test, the State must disqualify his/her CLP  or registered  gross Vehicle  weight  in
           mercial motor vehicle if you have more than  or COL. Once a CLP- or COL-holder's CLP or  excess of 26,000 pounds (11,793.401  kilo­
                                                                                     grams), or
                                               COL has been disqualified, he/she must reap­
           one license or if you're COL is suspended or
           revoked. A court may fine the employer up  ply for a CLP or COL under State procedures  2. has three or more  Axles, regardless of
                                                                                     weight, or
                                               applicable to all CLP and COL applicants.
           to $5,000 or put him/her in jail for breaking                           3. is used in combination, when the gross Ve­
           this rule.                        1.5 - International Registration        hicle weight of such combination exceeds
          • All states are connected to one computerized  Plan International Fuel    26,000 pounds (11,793.401 kilograms).
           system to share information about CDL driv­  Tax Agreement            • While similar, the Qualified Motor Vehicle in
           ers. The states will check on drivers' accident  If you operate a COL required vehicle in
           records to be sure that drivers do not have  interstate commerce, the vehicle, with few ex­  IFTA means a motor vehicle used, designed,
                                                                                   or maintained for transportation of persons
           more than one COL.                ceptions, is required to be registered under the
                                                                                   or property and:
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