Page 8 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 8

INTRODUCTION                          Determining Class of CDL Required

         This Section Covers                       26,001 or more  ....  trailer/towed unit 10,001  ....
                                                                          Is the GVWR of the
                                                    ls theGCWR
           General Qualification                                                                      Class"N'
           of Drivers ....................... 1.1    pounds?               or more pounds?
           Commercial Driver License
           Tests ............................... 1.2
           Driver Disqualifications .. 1.3          No   L  power unit 26,001 or  ....
                                                                          Is the GVWR of the
           Other Safety Rules ........ 1.4                                                            Class"B"
                                                                            more pounds?
           International Registration
                                                Gross combination
           Plan International Fuel              weight rating (GCWR)
           Tax Agreement .............. 1.5     Means the value specified
                                                by the manufacturer of the
           Medical Documentation                power unit, if the value unit   transporting hazardous  ....
                                                                             Is the vehicle
           Requirements ................ 1.6    is displayed on the Federal                           Class"C"
                                                Motor Vehicle Safety Standard
                                                (FMVSS) certificate label; or   materials in a
                                                the sum of the gross vehicle   placardable quantity?
           There is a  federal  requirement that each   weight ratings (GVWRs) QI
         state have minimum standards for the licensing   the gross vehicle weights
         of commercial drivers.                 (GVWs) of the power unit
                                                and the towed unit(s), or any
           This manual  provides  driver license test­  combination thereof, that
         ing information for drivers who wish to have a   produces the highest value.        ....
         commercial driver license (CDL). This manual                    Is the vehicle designed   Yes
         does NOT provide information on all the federal   (Tne underlined and italicized   to transport 16 or more   Class"C"
         and state requirements needed before you can   text above is for use by   passengers including
         drive a commercial motor vehicle (CMV). You   roadside enforcement   the driver?
         may have to contact your state driver licensing   only for the purpose of
         authority for additional information.   determining whether the
                                                driver/vehicle is subject to COL
           You must have a CDL to operate:      regulations. It is not used to
                                                determine whether a vehicle is
         • Any single vehicle with a gross vehicle
           weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or  representative for the purposes   No CDL required.
           more.                                of Skil testing.)
         • A combination vehicle with a gross
           combination weight rating of 26,001 or  Gross vehicle
           more pounds, provided the GVWR of the  weight rating (GVWR)
           vehicle(s) being towed is in excess of  Means the value specified by   NOTE: A bus may be Class A, B, or C depending on
           10,000 pounds.                       the manufacturer as the loaded   whether the GVWR is over 26,001 pounds or
         • A vehicle designed to transport 16 or more  weight of a single vehicle.   is a combination vehicle.
           passengers (including the driver).
         • Any size vehicle which requires hazardous
           material placards or is carrying material                       Figure 1.1
           listed as a select agent or toxin in 42 CFR
           part 73. Federal regulations through the
           Department of Homeland Security require  1.1 - General qualification   1.2 - Commercial Driver
           a background check and fingerprinting for  of drivers:                      License Tests
           the Hazardous Materials endorsement.
           The background check can take up to six  l. Is at least 21 years old;
           weeks. Contact the Transportation                                     1.2.1 - Knowledge Tests
           Security Administration           2. Can read and speak the English language  A Commercial Learner's Permit (CLP) means
           (TSA) at or  sufficiently to converse with the general pub­  a permit issued to an individual, which, when
           your local DDS Customer Service Center   lic to understand highway traffic signs and  carried with a valid driver's license issued by
           for more information.               signals in the English language, to respond  the same State or jurisdiction, authorizes the
                                               to official inquiries, and to make entries on  individual to operate a class of a commercial
         To get a CDL, you must pass knowledge   reports and records;            motor vehicle when accompanied by a holder of
         and skills tests. This manual will help you pass
         the tests. This manual is not a substitute for a   3. Can, by reason of experience, training, or  a valid CDL for purposes of behind-the-wheel
         truck driver training class or program.  Formal   both, safely operate the type of commercial  training. When issued to a CDL holder, a CLP
         training is the  most  reliable way to learn the   motor vehicle he/she drives;  serves as authorization for accompanied be­
         many special skills required for safely driving a                       hind-the-wheel training in a commercial motor
         large commercial vehicle and becoming a pro­  4. Is physically qualified to drive a commercial  for which the holder's current CDL is not valid.
         fessional driver in the trucking industry. Figure   motor vehicle in accordance with CFR 391.41  A CLP is considered a valid CDL for purpos­
         1.1 helps you determine if you need a CDL.                              es of behind-the-wheel training on public roads
                                             5. Has a currently valid Commercial Learner's
         If your  CLP was  issued  after  Feb  7,  2022  you   Permit (CLP) or CDL issued by only one State  or highways, if all of the following minimum
                                                                                 conditions are met:
         will  need  to  complete  Entry-Level  Driver   or jurisdiction;
         Traing  ( EIDT )  before  being  allowed  to  take                      • The CLP holder is at all times accompanied
         the CDL Skills Test. See Page 67.   6. Is not disqualified to drive a commercial mo­  by the holder of a valid CDL who has the
                                               tor vehicle
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