Page 4 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 4
What is Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT)?
The new Entry Level Driver What must drivers do to meet
Training (ELDT) regulations require the ELDT requirements?
that all entry-level drivers of
commercial motor vehicles ( CMV s) Complete training with a registered
successfully complete ELDT prior to training provider.
being eligible for commercial driver
license ( CD L) skills t ELDT Entry-level drivers must select a training
includes theory and behind the provider that is listed on the Training
wheel instruction at a training Provider Registry. Only registered training
provider listed on the Federal Motor providers will be also to submit certification
of a drivers completion of entry-level driver
Carrier Safety Administration training to the Training Provider Registry.
(FMCSA) Training Provider
Register. For more informaiton, When am I eligible to take my CDL skills
please visit test of knowledge test?
ELDT training must be completed before
taking a CDL skills test, or if the driver is
applying for the H endorsement, the
What is an Entry Level Driver knowledge test.
Training provider and where
can I find one? If the state driver licensing agency can not
electronically verify that these requirement
are met, the State is not permitted to
ELDT providers can be found at administer the CD L skills or knowledge test and include, but to the driver.
are not limited to, training schools,
educational institutions, rural
electric cooperatives, motor carriers,
State/ local governments, school
districts, joint labor management U.S. Department
programs, owner operators and of Transportation
individuals. Federal Motor
Carrier Safety