Page 69 - Draft 2023 2024 CDL Manual w Modernization Info
P. 69


                      APPENDIX A TO 49 CFR 172                                   9.3.5 - The Item Description
                                                                                   If a shipping paper describes both hazardous
            LIST OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AND                                     and non-hazardous products, the hazardous
                       REPORTABLE QUANTITIES                                     materials will be either:

                  Hazardous Substances        Reportable Quantity (RQ) Pounds (Kilo­  • Entered first.
                                                           grams)                • Highlighted in a contrasting color.
                   Phenyl mercaptan @                     100 (45.4)             • Identified by an "X" placed before the ship­
                   Phenylmercury acetate                  100 (45.4)               ping  description  (ID#,  Shipping  Name,
                                                                                   Hazard Class, Packing Group) in a column
                    N-Phenylthiourea                      100 (45.4)               captioned "HM." The letters "RQ" may be
                        Phorate                            10 (4.54)               used instead of "X" if a reportable quantity
                                                                                   is present in one package.
                       Phosgene                            10 (4.54)               The basic description of hazardous materi­
                       Phosphine                          100 (45.4) *           als includes the identification number, proper
                                                                                 shipping name, hazard class or division, and the
                     Phosphoric acid                     5,000 (2270)
                                                                                 packing group, if any, in that order. The packing
                  Phosphoric acid, diethyl                100 (45.4)             group is displayed in Roman numerals and may
                    4-nitrophenyl ester                                          be preceded by "PG."
                                                                                   Shipping name, hazard class, and identifica­
                 Phosphoric acid, lead salt                10 (.454)             tion number must not be abbreviated unless
          * Spills of 10 pounds or more must be reported.                        specifically authorized in the hazardous materi­
                                                                                 als regulations. The description must also show:
                                       Figure 9.5
                                                                                 • The total quantity and unit of measure.
                                                                                 • The letters RQ, if a reportable quantity.
         by the product's hazard class. Always display  shipping papers  near the description of the   • If the letters RQ appear, the  name of the
         the hazard class placard and the POISON IN­  material: "Marine Pollutant."
         HALATION HAZARD placard, even for small                                   hazardous substance (if not included in the
                                                                                   shipping name).
         amounts.                            9.3.4 - The Shipping Paper
         Appendix B  to 49 CFR 172.101 - List of   The shipping paper shown in Figure 9.6 de­  • The number and type of packages (example:
         Marine Pollutants. Appendix B is a listing  scribes a shipment. A shipping paper for haz­  "6Drums")
         of chemicals that are toxic to marine life. For  ardous materials must include:   • For all materials with the letter "G" (Generic)
         highway transportation, this list is only used   • Page numbers if the shipping paper has more  in Column 1, the technical name of the haz­
         for chemicals in a container with a capacity of   than one page. The first page must tell the total   ardous material.
         119 gallons or more without a placard or label   number of pages. For example, "Page 1 of 4."  Shipping papers also must list an emergency
         as specified by the HMR.                                                response telephone number.  The emergency
           Any bulk packages of a Marine Pollutant  • A proper shipping description for each haz­
         must display the Marine Pollutant marking   ardous material.            response telephone number is the responsibil­
                                                                                 ity of the shipper. It can be used by emergency
         (white triangle with a fish and an "X" through
         the fish). This marking (it is not a placard) must   • A shipper's certification, signed by the ship­  responders to obtain information about any
                                               per, saying they prepared the shipment ac­
                                                                                 hazardous materials involved in a spill or fire.
         also be displayed on the outside of the vehicle.   cording to the regulations.  The telephone number must be:
         In addition, a notation must be made on the
                                                SHIPPING  PAPER

                               ABC Corporation                                 DEF Corporation
                 TO:            88 Valley Street          FROM:               55 Mountain Street      Page 1 of 1
                                Anywhere, VA                                    Nowhere, CO
               Quantity             HM                              Description                        Weight
                                                                UN1076,  Phosgene, 2.3
                                    RQ            Poison, Inhalation Hazard, Zone A (UN1076 is the Identification
                                                   Number from Column 4 of the Hazardous materials Table.)
               1 cylinder    ("RQ" means that this is   (Phosgene is the proper shipping name from Column 2 of the   25Ibs
                             a reportable quantity.)   Hazardous Materials Table.) (2.3 is the Hazard Class from Col-
                                                         umn 3 of the Hazardous Materials Table.)
          This is to certify that the above named materials are properly classified, described, packaged marked and labeled, and are in proper condition
                       for transportation according to the applicable regulations of the United States Department of Transportation.
               Shipper:        DEF Corporation                                    Carrier:            Safety First
                 Per:              Smith                                           Per:
                Date:          October 15, 2003                                    Date:
                                 Special Instructions: 24 hour Emergency Contact, John Smith 1-800-555-5555
                                                         Figure 9.6

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