Page 80 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 80
• Is the bus in the path of a sighted tornado or • Lead students upwind of the bus at least 300 • Protect the scene. Set out emergency warning
rising waters? feet if there is a risk from spilled hazardous devices as necessary and appropriate.
• Are there downed power lines? • Prepare information for emergency responders.
• If the bus is in the direct path of a sighted
• Would removing students expose them to tornado and evacuation is ordered, escort stu-
speeding traffic, severe weather, or a danger- dents to a nearby ditch or culvert if shelter in 10.4 Railroad-highway
ous environment such as downed power lines? Crossings
a building is not readily available, and direct
• Would moving students complicate injuries them to lie face down, hands covering their
such as neck and back injuries and fractures? head. They should be far enough away so the 10.4.1 – Types of Crossings
bus cannot topple on them. Avoid areas that
• Is there a hazardous spill involved? Some- are subject to flash floods. Passive Crossings. This type of crossing does
times, it may be safer to remain on the bus not have any type of traffic control device. You
and not come in contact with the material. General Procedures. Determine if evacuation must stop at these crossings and follow proper
is in the best interest of safety. procedures. However, the decision to proceed
Mandatory Evacuations. The driver must
evacuate the bus when: • Determine the best type of evacuation: rests entirely in your hands. Passive crossings
» Front, rear or side door evacuation, or some require you to recognize the crossing, search for
• The bus is on fire or there is a threat of a fire. any train using the tracks and decide if there
combination of doors.
• The bus is stalled on or adjacent to a railroad- » Roof or window evacuation. is sufficient clear space to cross safely. Passive
highway crossing. crossings have yellow circular advance warning
• Secure the bus by: signs, pavement markings and crossbucks to
• The position of the bus may change and in- » Placing transmission in Park, or if there is assist you in recognizing a crossing.
crease the danger. no shift point, in Neutral. Active Crossings. This type of crossing has a
» Setting parking brakes.
• There is an imminent danger of collision. traffic control device installed at the crossing to
» Shutting off the engine. regulate traffic at the crossing. These active de-
• There is a need to quickly evacuate because » Removing ignition key. vices include flashing red lights, with or without
of a hazardous materials spill. » Activating hazard-warning lights.
bells and flashing red lights with bells and gates.
• If time allows, notify dispatch office of evacu-
10.3.2 – Evacuation Procedures
ation location, conditions, and type of assis- 10.4.2 – Warning Signs and Devices
Be Prepared and Plan Ahead. When possible, tance needed.
assign two responsible, older student assistants Advance Warning Signs. The round, black-
to each emergency exit. Teach them how to assist • Dangle radio microphone or telephone out on-yellow warning sign is placed ahead of a
the other students off the bus. Assign another of driver’s window for later use, if operable. public railroad-highway crossing. The advance
student assistant to lead the students to a “safe • If no radio, or radio is inoperable, dispatch a warning sign tells you to slow down, look and
place” after evacuation. However, you must rec- passing motorist or area resident to call for listen for the train, and be prepared to stop at
ognize that there may not be older, responsible help. As a last resort, dispatch two older, re- the tracks if a train is coming. See Figure 10.5.
students on the bus at the time of the emergency. sponsible students to go for help. Pavement Markings. Pavement markings
Therefore, emergency evacuation procedures mean the same as the advance warning sign.
must be explained to all students. This includes • Order the evacuation. They consist of an “X” with the letters “”RR”
knowing how to operate the various emergency • Evacuate students from the bus. and a no-passing marking on two-lane roads.
exits and the importance of listening to and fol- » Do not move a student you believe may There is also a no passing zone sign on two-
lowing all instructions given by you. have suffered a neck or spinal injury un- lane roads. There may be a white stop line
Some tips to determine a safe place: less his or her life is in immediate danger. painted on the pavement before the railroad
» Special procedures must be used to move tracks. The front of the school bus must remain
• A safe place will be at least 100 feet off the road neck spinal injury victims to prevent fur- behind this line while stopped at the crossing.
in the direction of oncoming traffic. This will ther injury. See Figure 10.6.
keep the students from being hit by debris if
another vehicle collides with the bus. • Direct a student assistant to lead students to Crossbuck Signs. This sign marks the cross-
the nearest safe place. ing. It requires you to yield the right-of-way to
• Lead students upwind of the bus if fire is
present. • Walk through the bus to ensure no students the train. If there is no white line painted on
remain on the bus. Retrieve emergency equip- the pavement, you must stop the bus before
• Lead students as far away from railroad tracks ment. the crossbuck sign. When the road crosses over
as possible and in the direction of any oncom- more than one set of tracks, a sign below the
ing train. • Join waiting students. Account for all students crossbuck indicates the number of tracks. See
and check for their safety. Figure 10.7.
Figure 10.5 Figure 10.6 Figure 10.7