Page 84 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 84


          »  Turn signals.                •  If equipped with a hydraulic brake reserve   the foot brake and hold it for one minute.

          »  Four-way flashers.             (back-up) system, with the key off, depress   Check the air gauge to see if the air pres-
          »  Brake lights.                  the brake pedal and listen for the sound of   sure drops more than three pounds in one

          »  Red reflectors (on rear) and amber reflec-  the reserve system electric motor.   minute (single vehicle) or four pounds in

            tors (elsewhere).             •  Check that the warning buzzer or light is off.   one minute (combination vehicle). Special

          »  Reflector tape condition                                           note: if the air gauge does not work unless
                                          Hydraulic Brake Master Cylinder-      electrical power is supplied to it, then you
          NOTE: Checks of brake, turn signal and four-
        way flasher functions must be done separately.  •  Check master cylinder is securely attached   will need to turn the electrical power switch

                                            and not leaking.                    to the on positions on this step.
        Horn                                                                  »  Without restarting the engine, turn electri-

                                          •  Checks brake fluid level in reservoir to ensure               cal power to the on or “battery charge” posi-

        •  Check that air horn and/or electric horn
          work.                             it is between the add and full marks.   tion and begin fanning off the air pressure
                                          Air Brake Check (Air Brake Equipped Ve-  by rapidly applying and releasing the foot
        Heater/Defroster                                                        brake. Low air warning devices (buzzer,
                                          hicles Only)

        •  Test that the heater and defroster work.                             light, flag) should activate before air pres-

                                          •  Failure to perform all three components of   sure drops below 55 psi or level specified
        Parking Brake Check                 the air brake check in the correct order will   by the manufacturer.
                                            result in an automatic failure of the pre-trip   »  Continue to fan off the air pressure. At

        •  With the parking brake engaged (trailer

          brakes released on combination vehicles),   inspection test and you will not be allowed   approximately 40 psi on a tractor-trailer
          check that the parking brake will hold ve-  to proceed to Basic Skills and/or the Road   combination vehicle (or level specified by
          hicle by gently trying to pull forward with   test. Air brake safety devices vary. However,    the manufacturer), the tractor protection

          parking brake on.                 this procedure is designed to see that any   valve and parking brake valve should close
                                            safety device operates correctly as air pres-  (pop out). On other combination vehicle
        •  With the parking brake released and the   sure drops from normal to a low air condi-  types and single vehicle types, the parking

          trailer parking brake engaged (combination   tion. For safety purposes, you will use   brake valve should close (pop out).
          vehicles only), check that the trailer parking   wheel chocks during the air brake check.   Service Brake Check
          brake will hold vehicle by gently trying to pull    The proper procedures for inspecting the air
          forward with the trailer parking brake on.   brake system are as follows:   You will be required to check the application of

                                            »  With the air pressure built up to governor  air or hydraulic service brakes. This procedure
        Hydraulic Brake Check
                                              cutoff (120  140 psi), shut off the engine,  is designed to determine that the brakes are
        Failure to complete the hydraulic brake check     chock your wheels, release the parking  working correctly and that the vehicle does not
        correctly will result in an automatic failure of     brake (all vehicles) and the tractor protec-  pull to one side or the other.
        the pre-trip inspection test and you will not    tion valve (combination vehicle), fully apply
        be allow to proceed to Basic Skills and/or the
        Road test.
        •  Pump the brake pedal three times, then hold it

          down for five seconds. The brake pedal should
          not move (depress) during the five seconds.
                           ELDT REGISTRY COMING FEBRUARY 7, 2022
       Beginning February 7, 2022, an entry-level driver will only be permitted to take the relevant CDL skills or
       knowledge test after completing the training required by the ELDT regulations, from a provider listed on the
       Training Provider Registry.
       This includes an individual seeking to take the CDL skills test required to obtain a Class A or Class B CDL for
       the first time; to upgrade an existing Class B to a Class A CDL; or to obtain a passenger (P) or school bus (S)
       endorsement for the first time. It also includes an individual seeking to take the knowledge test required to
       obtain a hazardous materials (H) endorsement for the first time.
       The Training Provider Registry will help commercial driver’s license (CDL) applicants connect with training
       providers who are self-certified to provide required entry-level driver training. Sign up to receive news and
       updates from FMCSA about the Training Provider Registry and the new requirements for CDL applicants,
       training providers, and State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs).  Sign up for updates at https://
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