Page 86 - New Vendor CDL Commercial Drivers Manual
P. 86


          tangled, pinched, or dragging against trac-  no loose or missing nuts or bolts and cotter  Lights/Reflectors

          tor parts.                        pin is in place.
                                                                              In addition to checking the lights and reflec-
        Catwalk/Steps                     Tongue or Draw-bar                 tive devices listed in Section 10.2 of this manual,
                                                                             school bus drivers must also check the following

        •  Check that the catwalk is solid, clear of ob-  •  Check that the tongue/draw-bar is not bent

          jects, and securely bolted to tractor frame.   or twisted and checks for broken welds and   (external) lights and reflectors:
                                            stress cracks.                   •  Strobe light, if equipped.

        •  Check that steps leading to the cab entry

          and catwalk (if equipped) are solid, clear of  •  Check that the tongue/draw-bar is not worn  •  Stop arm light, if equipped.
          objects, and securely bolted to tractor frame.   excessively.
                                                                             •  Alternately flashing amber lights, if equipped.

        Mounting Bolts                    Tongue Storage Area

                                                                             •  Alternately flashing red lights.

        •  Look for loose or missing mounting brackets,  •  Check that the storage area is solid and se-  Student Mirrors

          clamps, bolts, or nuts. Both the fifth wheel   cured to the tongue.
          and the slide mounting must be solidly at-  •  Check that cargo in the storage area i.e.   In addition to checking the external mirrors,

          tached.                                                            school bus drivers must also check the internal
                                            chains, binders, etc. are secure.
        •  On other types of coupling systems (i.e., ball                    and external mirrors used for observing students:

          hitch, pintle hook, etc.), inspect all coupling   11.3  School Bus Only   •  Check for proper adjustment.
          components and mounting brackets for miss-

          ing or broken parts.            Emergency Equipment                •  Checks that all internal and external mirrors
                                                                              and mirror brackets are not damaged and
        Hitch Release Lever                                                   are mounted securely with no loose fittings.
                                            In addition to checking for spare electrical
        •  Check to see that the hitch release lever is in  fuses (if equipped), three red reflective triangles,  •  Checks that visibility is not impaired due to
          place and is secure.            and a properly charged and rated fire extin-  dirty mirrors.
                                          guisher, school bus drivers must also inspect
        Locking Jaws                                                         Stop Arm/ Safety Arm
                                          the following emergency equipment:

        •  Look into fifth wheel gap and check that lock-                     If equipped, check the stop arm that it is

          ing jaws are fully closed around the kingpin.   •  Emergency Kit   mounted securely to the vehicle , checks for

                                          •  Body Fluid Cleanup Kit          loose fittings and damage, checks that stop arm

        •  On other types of coupling systems (i.e., ball                    extends fully when operated and stop arm lights
          hitch, pintle hook, etc.), inspect the locking  Lighting Indicators   are operational.
          mechanism for missing or broken parts and   In addition to checking the lighting indica-  Checks that safety arm is securely mounted
          make sure it is locked securely. If present,   tors listed in Section 10.2 of this manual, school  and functions properly in conjunction with

          safety cables or chains must be secure and   bus drivers must also check the following light-  stop arm.
          free of kinks and excessive slack.
                                          ing indicators (internal panel lights):   Passenger Entry/Lift
        5th Wheel Skid Plate
                                          •  Alternately flashing amber lights indicator,     •  Check that the entry door is not damaged,

        •  Check for proper lubrication and that 5th   if equipped.           operates smoothly, and closes securely from
          wheel skid plate is securely mounted to the   •  Alternately flashing red lights indicator.   the inside.
          platform and that all bolts and pins are secure

          and not missing.                •  Strobe light indicator, if equipped.   •  Hand rails are secure and the step light is
                                                                              working, if equipped.
        Platform (Fifth Wheel)
        •  Check for cracks or breaks in the platform

          structure which supports the fifth wheel
          skid plate.
        Release Arm (Fifth Wheel)

        •  If equipped, make sure the release arm is
          in the engaged position and the safety latch
          is in place.
        •  Check that the kingpin is not bent.

        •  Make sure the visible part of the apron is not
          bent, cracked, or broken.

        •  Check that the trailer is laying flat on the fifth
          wheel skid plate (no gap).
        Locking Pins (Fifth Wheel)
        •  If equipped, look for loose or missing pins

          in the slide mechanism of the sliding fifth
          wheel. If air powered, check for leaks.

        •  Make sure locking pins are fully engaged.

        •  Check that the fifth wheel is positioned prop-
          erly so that the tractor frame will clear the
          landing gear during turns.
        Sliding Pintle

        •  Check that the sliding pintle is secured with
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