Page 13 - DDS Newsletter The Scoop October2022
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Lunch & Learn
Lunch & Learn
A recent Lunch & Learn partnered by
Human Resources and the Regulatory
Compliance Division featured Kayla
Peeples, the CDL Human Trafficking
Outreach Coordinator for the CDL
Division and Jared Smith, Director of the
Office of Investigative Services (OIS).
The topic was Human Trafficking in the
Transportation Industry. Since the
program started at DDS in 2018, the
agency has been a member of Georgia’s
Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force
to help educate the public about this
rapidly-growing crime.
Regulatory Compliance, CDL Division
partnered with two CDL trucking schools,
Georgia Driving Academy and Truck
Driver Institute, to provide lunch to all
Lunch and Learn attendees.
The event attendees learned ways to
identity potential victims, their captors,
and what signs to look for on a state
agency level working at a licensing