Page 8 - DDS Newsletter The Scoop October2022
P. 8

D D S   S C O O P   / O C T O B E R   2 0 2 2

                  Kiosks at AAMVA International Conference
                  Kiosks at AAMVA International Conference

            Deputy Commissioner Ricky Rich
                                                                               IT Director Jeff Smith

      On the horizon for DDS is the installation of 21 customer service kiosks in high-traffic CSCs
      to help alleviate lines and wait times. Our business partner, Thales, was demonstrating the
      kiosks at the Conference.  The machine is a fully automated enrollment station, which
      captures portraits and signatures. Throughout the process, the customer is guided by a
      help screen, which tells the applicants what to do, and can make specific adjustment
      requests (such as to remove glasses), and presents a view of the document for approval at

      the end of the process. DDS is also working with the Department of Revenue (DOR) to join
      their kiosks in select grocery stores throughout the state.

             PMO Director Brett Young                                    General Counsel Angelique McClendon
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