Page 20 - DDS Newsletter The Scoop October2022
P. 20

T H E     S C O O P   /     O C T O B E R   2 0 2 2

                                                              Congratulations to these Team Members who are
                                                              now Commercial Driver Examiners!  We
                                                              appreciate your initiative in rising to the
                                                              challenge.  The more CDL examiners we have, the
                                                              more tests we can give to get the badly needed
                                                              drivers on the road!
                                                              Shout out to Adam Oglesbee and Vincent
                                                              Ash'Shaheed with Reg Comp for always providing
                                                               a stimulating class!

                                                                 Amanda Braswell - Thomson
                                                                 NyJah Brown - Thomson

                                                                 Cherie Huff - Milledgeville
                                                                 Steven Randolph - Between
                                                                 Haley Johnson - Dalton
                                                                 NyJahya Sharif - Jackson
                                                                 Madhura Shivalker - Cumming
                                                                 Adam Oglesbee – Regulatory Compliance
                                                                 Vincent Ash’Shaheed – Regulatory Compliance

                                          You've Got Mail!

      Alain Lam with the Contact Center and Lakeshia Hall with the Help Desk were surprised by hand
    delivered notes from Deputy Commissioner Ricky Rich!  They both received customer compliments,
        and he wanted them to know how much he appreciated their customer service and hard work.
       We will feature some of our TM's each month. Send us your pictures!

                       Alain Lam                                            Lakeshia Hall with the
                    Contact Center                                                  Help Desk
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