Page 21 - DDS Newsletter The Scoop October2022
P. 21

T H E     S C O O P   /     O C T O B E R   2 0 2 2

             S2S User Group Meets in the ATL!
              S2S User Group Meets in the ATL!

                    Pictured Left to right: Whitney Morton, Help Desk Manager; Pierre Miles, Deputy Director Field
                    Ops; Renee Alonso, Deputy Director IT; Cindy Taber with AAMVA; Deputy Commissioner Ricky
                      Rich; Lisa Gilmore, Help Desk Assistant Manager; and Kecia Bivins, Director of Field Ops.

   State-To-State (S2S) is an AAMVA verification service that allows states to electronically check with all
   other participating states to determine if an applicant currently holds a driver license or identification
   card in another state.  108 jurisdiction members attended the recent S2S User Group meeting in
   Atlanta including six DDS Team Members. The two-day conference provided jurisdictions the
   opportunity to network and learn from their peers. The meeting agenda covered topics such as the
   Driver History Record (DHR), recent decisions made by the S2S Governance Committee, and a
   regional roundtable session.  You can read more about S2S on the AAMVA website at
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