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P. 18

Mokolodi Nurseries -

    Faidherbia albida, Ana tree, Mokosho
    The Mokosho is very unusual in that it loses its
    nutrient rich leaves at the start of the rainy season
    and comes into leaf during the winter months.
    When the leaves fall, rhizobium bacteria living in
    the roots of the tree break down the leaves adding
    nitrogen to the soil.  Farmers can plant crops like
    maize directly under Mokosho trees and naturally
    have their fields fertilized.  The leaves and pods
    also provide valuable winter fodder for game and
    domestic animals. “Through leaf and pod fall, ni-
    trogen fixation and association with soil-micro-or-
    ganisms, fertility accumulation under the canopy is
    reported as follows: 75 kg N, 27 kg P2O5, 183 kg
    CaO, 39 kg MgO and 20 kg S. This is equivalent to
    300 kg of complete fertiliser and 250 kg of lime
    worth at least BWP3500 today and provides the
    recommended nutrient requirement for a 4 ton
    maize crop.”
    Mokosho is fast growing with straight thorns and
    red/brown to yellow seed pods when ripe.

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