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     The Weird & the Wonderful
     Plant collectors love the weird and bizarre,
     and many species that grow naturally in
     Botswana are highly sought after for their odd
     shapes and growing habits. Dioscorea species,
     Drimia intricata, Fockea multiflora, Piaranthus
     sanguineana, and Ceropegia lugardiae, are just
     some of the wonderfully bizarre indigenous
     plants we have here in Botswana.
     Many Dioscorea species (bottom left) are
     critically endangered, prized for their medicinal
     value, and by collectors for the odd looking
     tubers. Fockea multiflora, or python vine (2nd
     right) is commonly found twining around
     trees, and is another ornamental succulent.
     Drimia intricata (top right) is a fascinating plant
     resembling packed onions with intricately
     branched wiry stems, often found in dry rocky
     areas. Piaranthus sanguineana, (bottom right) can
     survive months without water and the succulents
     shrivel up until the rains arrive, commonly
     found around the base of Acacia trees. While
     Ceropegia lugardiae (opposite page) is a vine with
     an unusual tubular flower, and temporarily traps
     insects for pollination. Text & Photos: by S C

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