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herb guru -
                                       lavender&  sunflowers

     Lavender flowers and Sunflowers have inspired artists for centuries, result-
     ing in priceless works of art by Van Gogh, Monet and many others. Monet
     even created his very own garden at Giverny in France. He married colours,
     perspectives and symmetries to create a ‘living’ still life for his paintings, and
     developed such a passion for botany, that now his garden is a huge attraction
     for art and plant lovers alike. Anything is possible in your garden, you just
     need to realise that inner vision by letting what you love about plants inspire
     you.                                                     S.C (photos by Pixabay)

                          Pot pourri  - Lavandula spp. Lavender is one of our most
                             popular garden plants. It is an evergreen shrub that bears
                              beautiful cut flowers. For many of us lavender is a
                               quintessential herb: as it smells good, looks good and does
                               you good. It is a perfumer’s plant. It’s fragrant oil is used
                               in perfumes, cosmetics, soap, polish, sprays and it is often
                               grown to attract bees and butterflies. It is said that lavender
                             is a calming herb, with antiseptic and healing properties on
                           burns and blisters.

                           Edible - Helianthus annuus, Sunflowers are native to north,
                             central and south America, it was grown by native peoples for
                              3000 years before its introduction to Spain in 1514. Cultivation
                               as an oil seed crop began in Germany and Russia and spread
                               into Europe. The plant is on the borderline between food and
                               herb. It was however, widely used for medicinal purposes in
                               Russia; a treatment for malaria, involving maceration of
                              sunflower stems and heads in vodka to stimulate perspiration.
                             It is used externally as a base for massage oils.

                           ** When taking herbs, one should always consult one’s health practitioner for the safe and appropriate
                         use of  that herb.**
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