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growing  -  Citrus trees

    Citrus species are the easiest
    fruit trees to grow in Botswana.,

    they are native to subtropical
    and tropical regions of Asia,
    and northeastern Australia, and
    include Oranges, Lemons, Limes,
    Mandarins, and Grapefruits.

    WHY - They are frost and drought    BENEFITS - Scented flowers, delicious
    tolerant, ornamental and productive.   fruits packed with vitamins, and reputedly,
    Their fruits are delicious, and full of   wide ranging health benefits, including the
    flavour. The various trees are      prevention of kidney stones, and improved
    beautiful with bright, glossy green   heart health. The trees are also very
    leaves, and perfumed flowers. They   ornamental, and as evergreens they bring the
    are easy to grow and maintain.      green to our gardens when we most need it.
                                        Wood chips of most citrus species can also
    HOW TO PLANT - Citrus trees like    be used to smoke food, imparting a lovely
    good sunlight and good drainage.    citrus fragrance, and the fruits are widely
    Prepare the plant hole, as for any   used in the kitchen for a variety of dishes.
    large shrub or tree, and make sure   PROPAGATE - Citrus species can be easily
    water drains away quickly once filled.   grown from seed, or grafted.
    They like deep infrequent watering,   WHERE - Citrus plants can be bought from
    monitor for caterpillars, fertilize for   many nurseries around the country, even
    a reliable yearly crop. Pruning is not   the unique Buddha’s hand is available from
    essential for a tree to fruit well.  Sanitas’ nursery.     S.C (text & photos)

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