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P. 6

- Variegated leaves

    Variegated leaves are decorative and essential to shaded parts of the
    garden, as they help to lighten or bring colourful interest to these areas.
    It is quite difficult to find plants that flower in the shade, so colourful
    leaves are a great alternative.

    Easy to grow plants include Dieffenbachia (far right), Bromeliads (Middle right),
    Ctenanthe (Middle left), and Crotons (left). Begonias, pictured below, also have a wide
    variety of coloured leaves, and do well in semi-shaded gardens. Other plants to consider are
    Ficus species, Schefflera, Aglaonema, Dianella, Chlorophtyum (hen and chickens), Sanse-
    vieria, Cordyline, Codiaeum, Coleus, Hypoestes, Dracaena, Croton, and Colocasia species.

    There are so many more to choose from, and while some are extremely resilient, and can
    survive our low humidity and heat, others require a bit of pampering with an occasional
    mist-spraying. Quite a few of these species are also intolerant of frost, or very cold
    conditions. Protect the frost sensitive species like Dieffenbachia in winter, by either
    covering with frost cloth, or bringing them indoors.         S.C (text & photos)

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