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gardening for birds

    A few random rocks or a small rockery are not going to be a magnet to
    many species.  To do that, you have to go big and have a rocky outcrop

    or koppie in you garden. If you are fortunate to have that, allied with
    the appropriate eco-system, you will attract a large variety of unusual

    Boulder chats prefer well-wooded, boulder-strewn hillsides with granite outcrops, while
    the Cinnamon-breasted Bunting prefers woodland with rocky sub-stratum and boulders
    or rocky ridges. The Mocking cliff-chat prefers cliffs and boulder-strewn river margins.
    These birds can become very confiding. The Short-toed rock thrush likes rocky outcrops,
    escarpments and inselbergs, mostly in drier regions.

    You will indeed be fortunate to attract a Striped Pipit, which normally occurs on steep
    rocky hillsides. If you have a rocky outcrop in your back garden and you can establish the
    right biome, you will be rewarded by attracting a Freckled Nightjar, which will call “bow-
    wow’ or “bow-wow-wow”. These birds prefer bare granite and boulder-strewn hillsides,
    surrounded by broad-leaved woodland.
    If you can provide a rocky surround to your fishpond, which is not too close to your
    house, you will be sure to attract hamerkops, cormorants and herons.  Better still, if you
    can build a boulder-strewn stream to feed your fishpond, you will attract an amazing
    variety of birds wanting to slake their thirst in shallow pools.  Such birds would include a
    variety of waxbills, firefinches, thrushes and babblers.
    Bobbejaanstert, scientifically known as Xerophyta retinervis (Front page cover) is provided
    by Nature if you have a bed of rocks in your garden.  This won’t necessarily attract birds
    but will be an attractive feature, with plants flowering in abundance opportunistically
    after good rains or a fire.                 by Harold Hester & Photographs by Ian White
                    ( For more information - )

       Red-billed Firefinch
                                          30                   Red-eyed Bulbul
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