Page 34 - nov21
P. 34

Creatures in the garden

   The Cape ground squirrels, Geosciurus inauris syn. Xerus inauris, Setlhora,
   are quite common in the quieter areas outside of our towns and cities.
   They live mainly in arid to semi-arid areas in southern Africa, and are
   common in most of the national parks around our country.

   They prefer to live in grasslands with hard ground, and are generally active during the
   day and do not hibernate. ‘They are burrowing animals that dig and live in clusters
   of burrows averaging around 700 square metres with 2-100 entrances’ according to
   Wikipedia. They also shade their head and back with their bushy tails to avoid the
   harsh sun and enjoy dust baths.

   Ground squirrels eat bulbs, fruits, grasses, herbs, insects and shrubs, and are an attraction
   to any wild garden as they are thoroughly enjoyable to watch. Researchers believe they
   play an important role in controlling insect populations, assisting in seed dispersal, soil
   aeration and providing habitat for other animals with their abandoned burrows. To
   encourage them to your garden be sure to plant Grewia flava, and Ximenia caffra as food
   sources and Acacia hebeclada which gives their burrows added protection from predators.

   As with all wild animals don’t feed them, as they are more than capable of finding
   their own food. They also don’t need a water source, as they appear to get all the
   moisture they need from their food, however I have seen them enjoy the water from
   a birdbath on occasion!                                    Text and pics by S.C
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