Page 6 - may2021
P. 6
- Architectural plants
The stature, shape and form of plants can become the highlight of a
garden. Tall palm trees, tree aloes and specimen cycads catch the eye
and can act as focal points in the garden, like the outstanding grey
foliage of the Bismarck palm (top left) or the Royal palm’s green trunk
(Roystonea regia top 2nd left). Spiny trees like Erythrina lysistemon, Kapok
(top 3rd left) and Pachypodium trees also make lovely feature plants.
Cordylines, Strelitzias, and Bamboo can be used to bring a tropical feel to the
garden whereas Yuccas (top right), tall Cacti, Euphorbias and Agaves like Agave
victoriae-reginae (below right) can bring a contemporary desert vibe. Striking plants
like these provide a pleasing distraction from unsightly background walls, or
elements that need to be hidden in a garden.
Smaller architectural plants like Kniphofias, Dietes, Phormium, Hesperaloe,
Aloes, Sansevierias and Swan’s neck aloe (Agave attenuata, below left) can be
added for foliage variation - where broad-leafed plants dominate, helping to
bring interest to otherwise dull or problem areas in the garden. S.C (photos Pixabay)