Page 7 - may2021
P. 7

growing  -  Bananas

    Musa acuminata, Musa balbisiana,
    and hybrid Musa x paradisiaca are
    the names of the most cultivated
    banana species, and are native to
    tropical Indomalaya and Australia.
    They are likely to have been first
    domesticated in Papua New Guinea.

    WHY - For their bananas, the tropical   BENEFITS - Bananas are a staple starch for
    lushness they bring to a garden, their   many tropical populations. The fruit can
    leaves which are used to steam and   vary in taste from starchy to sweet depending
    pack food. Their flowers and trunk   on the cultivar. Banana hearts are used as a
    which are also edible. Banana fibre   vegetable in South Asian and Southeast Asian
    has been used to make textiles and   cuisine, eaten either raw or steamed. Banana
    paper for centuries.                leaves are large, flexible, and waterproof and
                                        have many uses, even as ecologically friendly
    HOW TO PLANT - Bananas like         disposable food containers. There are many
    partial to full sun and good drainage,   varieties of Banana, some of which are valued
    but they are prone to frost, so plant   for their ornamental beauty in the garden.
    in a sheltered position. Prepare the   PROPAGATE - By division of suckers that
    plant hole, and make sure water     arise from the base of a banana’s main stem.
    drains away quickly once filled.    WHERE - Banana plants can be bought
    Bananas like moist compost-rich,    from many nurseries around the country,
    loamy soil and give them enough     and are quite often seen for sale along the
    space as they increase by suckers.    road at the moment.   S.C (photos pixabay)

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