Page 5 - may2022
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Editorial                                     What’s on

     When I wake up to a cool morning with winter just    markets & events
    around the corner, I get an almost giddy feeling of   Saturday 7th May – Farmer’s
    happiness. I simply love winter in Botswana. Our   Market at the Rugby Club,
    gardens look better than ever after the rainy season,   10am to 3pm
    and without the blistering heat all the plants appear   Saturday 4th June – Farmer’s
    to be as happy as I feel.                         Market at the Rugby Club,
                                                      10am to 3pm
    It can be quite a rigorous activity making sure all   Saturday 25th June – Winter
    your plants get enough water, and as soon as the   Open Farm Event in Notwane,
    temperatures cool down, it begins to feel like a   10am to 4pm
    holiday in the garden. In my garden I have a drip   Saturday 2nd July – Farmer’s
    irrigation waste water system that feeds most of   Market at the Rugby Club, 10
                                                      am to 3pm
    the trees and fruit trees, and a very simple Gardenia
    irrigation system for the rest of the garden, that   Land Events: Art Exhibition on
    I bought as a kit. If you haven’t got one set up, it   16th May @ the Land - contact
    really is worth the investment, and saves on water   Nancy (pg 50)
    and time.
                                                     Zoom Meetings: Winter colour
                                                     22nd May - 75435290
    Plants only really start to drop their leaves towards
    the end of July, so for a few more glorious months   Francistown, & Palapye
    we have vibrant gardens with undemanding plants.   Contact: Jenny
    Don’t forget to check the weather and tend to those  Contact: Lynn -
    frost-tender plants in the garden, either by bringing
    them in or protecting them with frost cloth.  May          Win!!
    you all have a very happy winter in the garden.      Gardens Botswana
    S.C                                                   Send in Your Pics

    Publisher: SC Gardens                                 of  your favourite
    Printer: Digital                                           flowers
    Managing Editor: S.Coleman
    Contributors: Sanitas, Julia Farmer, Harold Hester, Ian White, Nancy Horenburg,
    Miriam Delorie, Petra Strydom, Bettina Kelly, Karin Duthie, Lisa Rautenbach, Lynn
    Freeman, Jenny Arnold, Sally Holborn, Sean Haydock and Fiona Mordaunt
    Subscriptions: Email to be added to the mailing list

    Website: Cell: 75435290// WhatsApp: 72519338
    All photographic contributions by S.C. unless attributed to other sources or contributors.
    The views of  the authors do not necessarily reflect those of  the publishers.
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