Page 7 - may2022
P. 7
growing - Mangoes
Mangifera indica, mango, are
believed to have originated from
the India-Bangladesh region. It is a
large fruit-tree, capable of growing
to 30 metres, and can live for over
100 years.
WHY - For the fruit, which can be
eaten raw, unripe mangoes can also BENEFITS - These large evergreen trees
be used to make pickles and chutneys.
Mangoes are beautiful evergreen trees, provide beautiful canopies, and lots of
shade once mature. Mangoes have health
and the flowers are quite ornamental
too. benefits like being rich in protective anti-
oxidants; possibly aiding in digestion; along
HOW TO PLANT - Mangoes with helping to maintain healthy skin, hair;
require well-drained soil in a frost-free heart health and eye health. Mango leaves
site with protection from cold. are also used medicinally. Mango leaf extract
Position your tree where it will receive helps in managing diabetes and obesity.
full sun. Prepare the site by digging a PROPAGATE - The easiest way of
large hole. Check the drainage by propagating mangoes is by seed. Split open
filling the hole with water, then see the seed and plant in a good seed starter mix.
how fast it drains. Water the trees
deeply and allow the top surface of WHERE - Mangoes are usually available
the soil to dry before watering again. throughout the country. Sanitas, and other
Fertilize the tree with a fertilizer high nurseries have grafted varieties that will not
in nitrogen and phosphorous. take so long to fruit. S.C (pics Pixabay)