Page 11 - Support and movement
P. 11

Three  main systems coordinate  together to  perform  proper  different  body
                 movements which are:

                 a) The skeletal (bony) system: as it provides a suitable site of connection of muscles
                    from one side and to support the moving limbs from the other side, accordingly the

                    joints play an important role in movment.
                 b) The  nervous system:  which  gives  the  orders for muscles  (in  the  from  of nerve
                    impulse) to contract and relax.

                 c) The muscular system: which is responsible for movement.

                   Most of the body muscles are under the control of will and called voluntary muscles
                    (skeletal, striated muscles). Other muscles are not under the control of will and called
                    involuntary muscles.

                 According to the previously mentioned information we have to answer the following


                 a) How does the muscle contract?

                 b) What are the role of nerve impulse and the physiology of muscle response to nervous

                 c) How all these parts coordinate together?

                 How the nerve impulse pass to the skeletal muscle:

                 1. In skeletal muscles, the outer surface of the muscle fibre membrane is (+ve) positively
                    charged while the inner surface is (-ve) negatively  charged, that  form potential

                    difference due to the difference of the ions concentrations between outside and inside
                    the membrane.

                 2. The stimulus for muscle contraction is the motor impulses that coming from the

                    brain and spinal cord through the motor nerve which is connected firmly with muscle
                    fiber through synapse.

                 3. The synapse has synaptic vesicles contain neurochemical transmitters as acetylcholine.

                 4. When the motor impulses reach the synapse, the calcium pump in the cell membrane
                    push the calcium ions inside the cell causing rupture of the synaptic vesicles to release

                    the neurochemical transmitters as acetylcholine through the synaptic cleft between

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