Page 8 - Support and movement
P. 8

Fifthly Tendons:

                      They are a strong connective  tissue that                                                                  : راتولأا ) د (
                      link the muscles with bones at the joints         muscle                                 طبر ىلع لمعي ىوق ما � جيس�ن نع ةرابع

                      which  allow  the  movement  of  muscles                                                 حمس�ي امب ، لس�افمل  دنع ماظعلاب تلا
                      during their contraction and relaxation. For                                             ،  تلاس�عل�  طاس�بن�و  ض�ابقن  دنع  ةكرحلل
                      example,  Achilles  tendon which connects        Achilles                                ةلس�عل� لس�ي يذل� ليخأ� رتو كلذ ةلثمأ� نمو
                      the  gastrocnemius  muscle  with  heel  bone.                                            بعكل� ةمظعب )قاس�ل  نطب ةل �ع( ةيمأ�وتل
                      In some cases, this tendon may exposed to          heel                                  ببس�ب رتول� �ذه قزمتي نايحأ  ض�عب يفو ،
                      damage  due  to  vigorous effort or sudden                                               ، ئجافمل� تلاس�عل� ض�لقت وأ� فينع دوهجم
                                                                                  ليخأا رتو )10( لكش�
                      muscle contraction and the loss of elasticity             Fig. (10) Achilles tendon
                                                                                                               ض��رعأ� نمو ، تلاس�عل  يف ةنورمل  م
                      in the muscles. From the symptoms of  Achilles tendon tearing is inability of walking,
                                                                       ةداس�مل� ةيودألااب جلاعيو ، ةداح ملا�و مدقل� ةكرح يف لقثو ىس�مل� ىلع ةردقل� مدع وه ليخأ� رتو قزمت
                      heavy movement of foot, and acute pain, which can be treated with anti- inflammatory
                                                                       قزمت ناك �ذإ� لاإ� ثدحي لاف يح�رجل� لخدتل� امأ� ، ةيبط ةريبج م�دختس��و ، ملاألال ةنكس�مل و تاباهتللال
                      and analgesic drugs, using  a medical splint, while the surgical intervention  does not
                                                                                                                                    . لاماك رتول
                      occurs except during the complete tearing of the lendon.
                                                                                          ةيحلا تانئاكلا ىف ةكرحلا

                                                                       ةراثإلا ض�رعتي امدنعف هتراثإلا ةجيتن ايت�ذ أاس�نت هتكرحف ،ةيحل� تانئاكل� عيمج زيمت ةرهاظ :ةكرحلا
                                            Movement in living organisms
                                                                       ىحل� نئاكل� ىف ةكرحل�و .ةكرح ةباجتس�لا� نوكت نيتلاحل� اتلك نمو ،ابلس� وأ� اباجيإ� اهل بيجتس�ي هنإاف ام
                                                                       ةيويحل� هتاطاس�ن ريس�ت ىحل� نئاكل� ايلاخ نم ةيلخ لك لخ�د ةبئ�د ةكرح كانهف ،ةديدع ع و��نأ� اهل
                      Movement : is a phenomenon which distinguishes living organisms.
                                                                       ءاعم� يف  ةيدودل� ةكرحلاك ىحل� نئاكل� ء�زجأ� ض�عبل ةيعس�وم ةكرح كانهو ةيمزلابوتيس�ل  ةكرحلاك
                      The living organism has self-movement and can respond to external stimuli.
                                                                       ء�رو ايعس� وأ� ء�ذغل� نع اثحب رخآ� ىلإ� ناكم نم ىحل� نئاكل� اهب كرحتي ةيلك ةكرح كانهو تايراقفل
                      Movement in living organisms has many types. The continuous movement inside                .هتئيب ىف رطخل ايفلات وأ� رخألا� ض
                    each cell for its vital activities such as cytoplasmic streaming, a positional movement                      ةكرح ىدؤوتو
                                                                        ن�ويحل� ىف ةكرحل� لئاس�و تناك املكو ،هراس�تن� ةدايزل رخأ� ىلإ� ناكم نم هلقنتو ن
                    of some organs such as peristalsis in vertebrate intestine . There a total movement by
                                                                                                                .هراس�تن� ةرئ�د تعس�ت  املك ةعيرس�و ةيوق
                    which the organism can move from place to place in search of food or for a mate or to
                                                                       ،تلاس�عل� هب لس�تي بلس� زكترم هل نوكي نأ� نود كرحتي نأ� لاو هنز�وتب ظفتحي نأ� ن  � �ذهل نكميلاو
                    avoid dangrous in its environment.
                                                                       لكيه  ىمس�تف  تايراقفل�  ىف  امك  ةيلخ�د  وأ�  تايلس�فمل�  ىف  امك  ةيجراخ  ةماعدل  هذه  لثم  نوكت  دقو
                      Movement of the animal from place to another leads to its spread in nature, as the
                                                                       كامس�ألا� ىف امك ايمظع وأ� ةيفورس�غل� كامس�ألا� ىف امك ايفورس�غ ىلخ�دل� لكيهل  نوكي دقو ،ن
                    means of movement was strong and fast the circle of its spread increase.
                                                                               .ةكرحل� حيتي ايلس�فم لااس�ت� اهس�عبب لس�تت عطق نم نوكتي هنإاف لكيهل  ناك امفيكو .ةيمظعل
                      An animal cannot attain balance or move unless it possesses a solid support to which
                    muscles are attached. Such kind of support may be external as in the arthropods or
                    internal as in vertebrates. This is the skeleton.
                      The internal skeleton may be cartilaginous as in cartilaginous fish or bony as in bony                 فس�ويلا زور عباطم
                    fish. Whaterver the kind of skeleton, it consists of segments attached to each other by

                    joints to facilitate movement.

                      12      Biology General Secondary Certificate                             2019 - 2020                       2017 - 2018                                                   Shorouk Press
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