Page 5 - Support and movement
P. 5

(B) The appendicular skeleton

                 1) The pectoral girdle and the upper limbs:

                    The pectoral girdle consists of two identical halves. Each half consists of scapula which

                 is a triangular dorsal bone, its inner end is broad while the outer end is pointed and has a
                 process attached to the clavicle, which is a ventral thin bone.
                                                                                         clavicle                        نم نوكتي :ىفرطلا لكيهلا ) ب (
                    At the outer end of the scapula there is a glenoid cavity   scapula                            :نايولعلا نافرطلاو ىردصلا مازحلا )1(
                 through  which  the  head  of  humerus  fits  in  forming  the
                                                                                                           لك  بكرتيو  نيلثامتم  نيف �ن  نم  ىرد   م   بكرتي
                 shoulder joint.
                                                                                                           اهفرط لكس�ل� ةثلثم ةيرهظ ةمظع وهو فتكل  حول نم ف
                 Each upper limb consists of:                                                              )ةوقرتل�( هب لس�تت ءوتن هب ببدم ىجراخل و ض�يرع ىلخ

                 a) Upper arm supported by one bone called humerus.                             humerus    ىجراخل�  فرطل�  دنع  دجويو  ..ةعيفر  ةينطاب  ةمظع  ىهو
                                                                                                           ض�أ�ر  هيف  رقتس�ي  ىذ��ل�  حورأ  فيوجتل  فتكل  حو��ل  ةمظعل
                 b) Lower arm supported by two bones which are radius
                                                                                                                            .ىفتكل  ل  � انوكم د    ةمظع
                    and ulna. The upper part of the ulna has a depression
                    where  the  inner  projection  of  the  humerus  fits.  The                    ulna    )ةربعكل�و دنزل�( دعاس�ل و د   :نم ىولعل  فرطل�
                    radius  is  small  in  size  and  can  rotate  around  a  fixed                        ىلخ�دل� ءوتنل� هيف رقتس�ي فيوجت دنزلل ىولعل  فرطلابو -
                    ulna.                                                                                  ةيرئ�د فس�ن ةكرح كرحتتو امجح رغ �أ� ةربعكل و - د
                 c) The wrist consists of 8 bones in two rows called carpals                  wrist                                           دنزل  لوح

                    their upper ends are attached to the lower part of the                    palm          hand   ىولعل� اهفرط لس�تي نيف � ىف ماظع   نم نوكتيف غس�رل  امأ�
                    radius, while their lower ends are attached to the bones
                                                                                              phalanges    ديل� ةح�ر ماظعب ىلفس�ل  فرطل و ،)ةربعكلل ىلفس�ل  فرطلاب(
                    of the hand Plam (Fig. 5).
                                                                                                                                               . )  لك
                 d) The palm consists of 5 long thin bones called metacarpals           Fig. (5)
                                                                                 The upper (fore) limb       ىدؤوت ةليطتس�م ةعيفر طا �مأ�   نم نوكتت ديل  ةح ر ماظعو
                                                                                  ىولعلا فرطلا )5( لكش�
                    followed by the ones of five digits each is made of 3
                    bones called phalanges except the thumb which consists of 2 phalanges only.                                 ىتل  ةس�مخل  عبا   ماظع ىلإ�
                                                                              ةفقرحل� ماظع
                                                                                                                             ةعيفر تايملاس�   نم اهنم لك نوكتي
                 2) The pelvic girdle and the lower limbs:
                                                                                                                                  نم نوكتيف ماهبإ  عب �إ�
                    The pelvic girdle consists of two identical halves fused at the ventral side at a region
                                                                             ةيزجع                                                        . طقف نيتملاس�
                 called the pubic symphysis ( fig. 6 ).
                    Each half consists of a dorsal bone called ilium which is attached anteriorly and ventrally                     ىضوحلا مازحلا )2(
                                                                                فيوجتل�                                ت�رقف
                 to a bone called pubis and attached posteriorly and ventrally to a bone called ischium. At          ةيش�عش�ع        :نايلفسلا نافرطلاو
                 the position of attachment of ilium and ischium bones there is a deep depression called
                                                                                  كرول� ماظع                                 )  لك   ض�وحل  ماظع  نوكتت
                 acetabulum into which the head of the thigh bone ( femur ) fits and forming the hip joint.      ةناعل� ماظع
                                                                               ىناعل� قافترلا�                               ىف  نامحتلي  نيلثامتم  نيف �ن  نم
                                                                                             ص�وحلا ماظع )6( لكش�            ىمس�ت ةقطنم ىف ةينطابل  ةيحانل

 Biology General Secondary Certificate  2017 - 2018  2019 - 2020   Sahara Printing Company         9
                                                                             ةيمامألا� ةيحانل� نم لس�تت ىتل� ةيرهظل� ةفقرحل� ةمظع نم امهنم ف �ن لك نوكتيو ىناعل  قافترلااب

                                                                            ةماعلا ةيوناثلل ءايحلأا ملع
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