Page 5 - TOEP Preparation
P. 5


               Listening Comprehension Part A


                 PARTS                  CONTENT               TOTAL ITEM             TOTAL TIME

                 Part A                 Short Conversation    30

                 Part B                 Longer
                                                                                     50 Minutes

                 Part C                 Talk

               Kegiatan Belajar

                                                        PART A


                     In part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation,

               you will hear a question about the conversation. The conversations and questions will not be
               repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose

               the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the
               space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

               1.   (A) She can sneak out to meet her friends.
                    (B) She doesn’t have to wake up early.

                    (C) She is able to sleep over at her friend’s house.
                    (D) She is able to stay up late.

               2.   (A) Alex.               (C) Charlotte.
                    (B) Brenda.             (D) Ryan.

                  4     Modul Listening Comprehension
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10