Page 6 - TOEP Preparation
P. 6

3.   (A) Georgeson.          (C) Johnson.

                    (B) Georgestone.        (D) Johnstone.
               4.   (A) He could not leave his work on time.

                    (B) He always comes to work late because of the traffic.
                    (C) His class and his part-time job start at the same time.

                    (D) The work is too hard for him.

               5.   (A) Call the Smiths.           (C) Listen to the man’s explanation.
                    (B) Cancel the appointment.    (D) Show the direction to the man.

               6.   (A) He doesn’t think the woman needs a car.
                    (B) He envies the woman.

                    (C) He thinks she has made a right decision in buying a car.

                    (D) He thinks the woman can not drive a car.
               7.   (A) Prof. Adams always gives his students assignments.

                    (B) Prof. Adams is famous for his punctuality.
                    (C) Prof. Adams is not easily surprised.

                    (D) Prof. Adamsrarely gives assignments.
               8.   (A) To pray for an opportunity.   (C) To make a tactless remark.

                    (B) To always be alert.        (D) To think and react quickly.

               9.   (A) He would check Kimberly’s car later.
                    (B) He would give a ride to Kimberly.

                    (C) He would help Kimberly by going to the post office.
                    (D) He would lend his car to Kimberly.2

               10.  (A) Tom is badly injured.

                    (B) Tom is sweating a lot right now.
                    (C) Tom is working really hard to be a quarterback.

                    (D) Tom’s effort is not good enough for the coach.
               11.  (A) Change the radio channel.   (C) Look for a jazz channel.

                    (B) Learn to play jazz music.   (D) Turn off the radio.

               12.  (A) She didn’t live next to Adam anymore.
                    (B) She doesn’t have a crush on Adam anymore.

                    (C) She has been passing on her legacy to Adam.
                    (D) She has moved the torch to the backyard.

               13.  (A) Every 15 minutes.          (C) Every 45 minutes.
                    (B) Every 30 minutes.          (D) Every 1 hour.

                                                         Modul Listening Comprehension          5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11