Page 9 - Revista Paisiana Nr. 10 Decembrie 2024
P. 9
“The Orthodox faith is the gold that we bring
to the Child Jesus”
“These three gifts have, first of all, a spiritual of love for humankind and its salvation became exactly
meaning: the gold means the pure right faith – the Or- what He loved – a Man,” said His Beatitude Patriarch
thodox Faith, without error, mixture, and confusion. Daniel during the Divine Liturgy celebrated at the pa-
The right faith or the Orthodox Faith is the gold that triarchal cathedral on the feast of the Nativity of the
we bring to Christ when we confess the Creed and Lord.
when we confess the faith of the Holy Apostles, Prop- His Beatitude explained that the descent of the
hets and all the saints in the history of the Church.” eternal Son of God from eternity into time and from
“Frankincense means fervent prayer. If fran- heaven to earth “unites heaven with earth and God
kincense is not placed on an incandescent coal, it does with men.” “The Messiah was prophesied centuries
not produce any smell. Therefore, it symbolises fervent before to prepare the people; this was an active expec-
prayer, when a person prays with fervent faith, with tation, with prayer, fasting and hope.”
all his heart.” “Those who wanted to see the Messiah with
“Myrrh means pure life and good deeds, for their own eyes often had to suffer in history; they were
only good deeds enter the Kingdom of God. We take received with hostility, they wandered in the moun-
none of the things gathered around us into eternal life. tains, in deserts, in the holes of the earth (Hebrews
Only the light of good deeds imprints itself on the 11:38). They waited in suffering and hope; in suffering
human soul. Man will take this light into the Kingdom because they often suffered when they tried to correct
of Heaven.” people’s lives, but also in hope because of what God
“This feast is a celebration of God’s humble promised,” the Patriarch of Romania explained during
and merciful love shown in His eternal Son, who out his sermon on Christmas day.
Darurile Magilor – Jacopo Torriti, mozaic în
absida bisericii Santa Maria Maggiore, Roma, sec XIII
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PAISIANA nr. 10 / decembrie / 2024 / 9