Page 5 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
P. 5                                                                               Make someone’s day

       Life’s a Garden, Dig It                                                I recommend contacting a certified                    EXTRA fruitful
       Plants stress                                                          arborist to control these pests.  The
                                                                              certified arborists will recommend of
                                                                              treatments to prevent further damage
       too                                                                    as well as preventative treatments for
                                                                              next year.
                                                                                 You have heard it said numerous
                                                                              times, you can’t control the weather.
                                                                              That is true, but you can definitely    Delivery or Pick-Up
        By Larry Newman                                                       reduce the stresses increased by                     CALL TO ORDER
       H      ow often do you hear about   show signs of stress from the hot   weather by proper mulching, proper      12760 Jefferson Davis Hwy., Chester
                                              Trees and shrubs can also
                                                                              watering, and pest management.
              stress and its effects on human
              health and behavior?  The
       term “stress management” entered    weather.  The term used is not wilt,   Follow me on twitter@vngardener   Breckenridge Shopping Center • 804-748-7025
                                           but “scorch.”  The leaves will begin
                                                                                                                         11124 Hull Street Rd., Midlothian
       on a recent web search showed over   to turn brown along the edges and                                       Genito Crossing Shopping Center • 804-744-9006
       17 million results.  Stress and stress   between the veins of the leaf.  If
       management is not limited to humans   the stress from the dry conditions
       and animals; your plants can be     continues, many species will show                       LOSE WEIGHT
       stressed too.                       their natural resiliency by sacrificing
           A happy plant is a healthy plant,   some leaves and even some branches.                         FAST !
       but since they cannot talk, you need   Leaf scorch and premature leaf drop
       to watch for signs your plant is    is not pleasing to the eye, but the tree
       stressed.  With the recent hot and   or shrub is very likely to recover.                          Quick. Easy.
       dry weather, many plants, including    Stress management in plants is
       lawns, are reacting by wilting.     more than just moisture.  Other forms                                 Safe.
       Wilting occurs when the leaves of   of stress are caused by disease and
       the plant lose more moisture through   insects such as the oakleaf caterpillar               Free Weight Loss Workshops
       the natural transpiration process than   you may have heard about recently.
       its roots uptake the moisture.  Many   The oakleaf caterpillar infestation is                             3 Locations
       plants, such as hydrangeas, will wilt   especially heavy this year.  The leaves               Chester-Brandermill-Midlothian
       some during the day but recover as   of the tree begin to look skeletonized.
       the sun sets and temperatures cool.    Then, as summer continues, more
       Plants in containers and hanging    severe defoliation will occur.
       baskets will wilt during the day and   Evidence of the caterpillar in the      
       require watering to recover.  Popular   form of its droppings will be easily
       garden crops such as corn and       seen on cars, sidewalks, and patios.    Breckenridge Chiropractic |12300 Bermuda Crossroads Ln. Chester | 804-748-2763
       tomatoes have unique signs of wilt.
       Corn leaves will roll up and tomato
       leaves roll under.  Corn recovers
       quickly with watering, but tomato
       plants with rolled-under leaves                                                               Alzheimer’s
       seldom recover.
           Fescue lawns, unless irrigated,
       go dormant and turn tan during the
       heat and drought of summer.  This                                                      Specialty Center
       is a natural reaction and recovery
       is typical in just a few weeks when
       temperatures drop and rainfall
       increases.  The plus side of this is
       you can let the mower collect dust for
       a few weeks.  If you do water your
       lawn, use the footprint test for signs
       of stress.  Walk across the grass and
       check the area in an hour.  If you still
       see footprints, the grass is telling
       you, without words, that watering is

                                                     Living with Alzheimer’s: Late Stage Seminar

         DONATE TODAY                                                  presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
                                                                  Wednesday, August 16     6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

                                                           Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
                                                  is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
                                                     Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
                                                             “Come take a walk through town with us”

                                                                     Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
          Help And Hope For Those In Need            5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000                                                                                                                              JULY 12, 2017  05
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