Page 7 - 07-26-2017 full page paper
P. 7

        Police Chief shares

        updates with

        Chesterfield NAACP                                                     Save the Date and Join us for VBS   11310 Ironbridge Road
                                                                                 Mon-Fri, August 7-11
                                                                                      6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
        1                                                              Chester, VA 23831
                                                                                       Pre-register online at
                                                                                    or contact the church office         804-796-7539
                                                                                       at (804) 530-1391 or
                                                                                  email    Lunch & Dinner Buffet available daily!
                                                                                                                      Weekly Specials & Full Menu.
                                                                                    Bermuda Hundred UMC             Full Service & Carry-Out Catering!
                                                                               2025 Florence Ave, Chester, VA 23836

                                                                                    CHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

        BY L. J. MC COY, JR., PRESIDENT OF                                                             Eucharist
           Chesterfield Police Chief Thierry   with Virginia State University,
        Dupuis attended the regular third   he spoke on presentations in the
        Tuesday Chesterfield NAACP meeting   classrooms, placing students in                             and Ice Cream Social
        in May to address branch concerns.   police scenarios, and providing
        Emphasizing body cams and recruiting,   transportation to the county facilities.                       Sunday, July 30 ∙ 6:00pm
        officers Dan Kelly and A.J. Starks   While engaging with other community              Come worship with us, Bluegrass-style, as the Vassar Family Singers
        supported the top law enforcement   organizations, the chief has regular               lead us in song, followed by an ice cream social in the fellowship hall
        official on the progress of the new   community breakfasts to encourage
        equipment and hiring procedures.   more sharing. Branch members also                                                                  5
              After careful consideration of   learned more about auto thieves,                    3424 W Hundred Rd ▪ Chester ▪ 804.748.4636 ▪
        employing the body cams, Dupuis    school resource officers, stolen
        reflected on his disappointment in   firearms, and National Night Out.
        implementing the cameras however   7                                   Family Fun Day
                                              We realize that we can’t afford to
        their battery cables overheated.   sit around and watch paint dry. We
        Recruiting also took a twist when we   need to continue to strengthen this
        learned that the department is now   relationship among law enforcement,     at the
        reaching out to historically black   the community, and the NAACP.
        colleges and universities.
              The chief expanded on the
        police's success in encouraging                                          MEET FIRST
        community relationships. Partnering                                      RESPONDERS &
                                           8                                     EXPLORE A FIRE                                 Celebrating
                                            Letters                              ENJOY COOKING                           First Responders
                                                                                 DEMO & PICNIC
                         Letter to          EDITOR’S NOTE:                       AREAS                   August 16
                                              The opinions of the Editor’s Inbox do not
                         the Editor         reflect the opinions of the Village News.    COMPLETE
                                            Please limit letter length to under 350 words.    SCAVENGER
                                            (The editor reserves the right to allow longer   HUNT ON      2:30-5:30 p.m.
        To the Editor:                      letters or edit letter length.) A name and    FAMILY SAFETY
                                            address is required to be considered for
           In this Edition of the Village News   publication; however, Village News will not
        [7-19-2017] there is a picture of someone   publish or distribute a letter writer’s address.
        dressed as ELVIS. According to our   Let us know your opinions on current events;
        National Flag protocol, the Flag is never to   send your letter to
        be used as an item of dress. It amazes me   Thank you.
        that so many people do not know this and                                                              Fresh produce and foods
        continue to abuse the Flag in this way.
           Please let this person know that we                                                                   from May to August!
        are not pleased with this jester. Maybe
        he will not repeat this and others will   SEND US YOUR NEWS!
        take note also.                                                                                    Location:
           Do not use our National for any   HAVE A UNIQUE PHOTO TAKEN IN                                Chesterfield County
        item of clothing, table cover, capes,   CHESTERFIELD? WEDDING                                Government Center Complex
        head dress, etc.                                                                              on Mimms Loop, between
           Please hang it with respect.      ANNOUNCEMENT? OR VACATION                                  Krause and Lori Roads
                                                  PHOTO? SUBMIT IT TO
        Alice Alden Dolbear                 NEWS@VILLAGENEWSONLINE.COM
         Vietnam Vet USMC

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