Page 1 - 07-19-2017 full page paper
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JULY 19, 2017 XIX NO.48

               Village      News

                                                                                                                  Plan budget
                                                                                                                  for roads

                                                                                                                      On June 28, 2017, the Board of
                                                                                                                  Supervisors approved the Secondary
                                                                                                                  Road Six-Year Improvement Plan for
                                                                                                                  FY18-23, and the Secondary Road
                                                                                                                  Improvement Budget for FY18,
                                                                                                                  following a public hearing. The plan
                                                                                                                  identifies how approximately $1.3
                                                                                                                  million in secondary road funds could
                                                                                                                  be spent over the next 6 years, while
                                                                                                                  the budget allocates funds to specific
                                                                                                                  projects for FY18.

                                                                                                                  Enhancement Dept.
                                                                           Fire EMS recruits graduate             care and maintenance of Chesterfield's
                                                                                                                      A countywide emphasis on the

                                                                                                                  aging communities is the focus of a new
                                                                                                                  department the county launched this
                                                                                                                  month. The Department of Community
        BY BECKY ROBINETTE WRIGHT           began with a posting of the colors by   on and the oath taken, Chesterfield Fire   Enhancement incorporates several
                 They will face winter snow   Chesterfield Fire and EMS Honor Guard,   Chief Edward L. Senter Jr. spoke to   county services and staff to form a new
        storms, blazing summer heat, high   and the national anthem was sung by   the recruits and the audience. “We hold   unit that will encompass revitalization,
        winds, bright sunlight, and the dark of   Jullian O’Shea of Cosby High School.  Lt.   a highly competitive recruitment and   grants, license inspections,
        night. They will wear special protective   Jason Elmore offered the invocation.  applicant testing process. Throughout   redevelopment, and property
        gear weighing over 60 pounds to help        Captain Justin Adams provided   the process, we specifically look for   maintenance.
        protect them while battling fires that   opening remarks and introduction of   candidates who demonstrate the quality   The department will serve as a
        reach 1,000 degrees or more. They will   guests. “What an exciting day! Recruit   and attributes necessary to support the   one-stop shop for residents looking for
        use hydraulic tools to rescue people   School 53 has ten members who have   mission, vision, values, and goals of   information about rehabilitating their
        trapped in vehicles or other situations.   worked hard and tirelessly over the past   our organization.” Senter said. “It is   older homes and maintaining their
        They will do elevator rescues, water   5 months completing over 800 hours   imperative that we employee only those   properties.
        rescues, endless medical calls, and more.    of training. That doesn’t count the time   who will uphold our high standards and
        Who are they? They are Chesterfield   it takes to study,” Adams said in his   support our organization.”  More hours
        Fire and EMS Recruit School 53, and   remarks.                                  The graduating class is: Audrey
        they have officially joined the ranks of        Dorothy Jaeckle, chairman of   R. Baise, Justin S. Davis, Kevin N.   for trash
        the county’s public safety team.    the Board of Supervisors, provided   Gibson, Jonathan S. Hampton, William   drop-off
                 At a special ceremony at the   some insight into experience with the   C. Ingle, Brandon T. Leonard, Cameron
        Eanes-Pittman Public Safety Training   firefighters of Chesterfield. “I recently   T. Miles, Alexander K. Miller, Wesley T.         Both Chesterfield County
        Center, recruit school training and   had the opportunity to attend and watch   Rock and Austin D. Walker.  convenience centers will offer
        testing were completed. Now, the    the recruits at a live burn training,”        “The recruit school standing   expanded hours starting July 31.
        recruits will serve in the field with senior   Jaeckle said. “It was incredible. But,   before you today should be very proud          The Northern Area Convenience
        firefighters during a probationary period,   even before that, a family member had   of their accomplishments, having   Center, at 3200 Warbro Road in
        where they will learn even more skills   a fire and we saw firsthand what these   been selected from several hundred   Midlothian, will now be open Friday
        and put to use the valuable training they   wonderful people do. They treated us so   candidates,” said Senter.  to Tuesday from 7 a.m.-6 p.m. The
        have already received.              well.”
                 The ceremony for the recruits        Before the badges were pinned          Read more on page 3                 Read more on page 3

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                                                     Your Community, Your Neighbors, Your News
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