Page 6 - 07-19-2017 full page paper
P. 6


        Police substation dedicated                                                                                                                                                                                        THE SCENE

        BY BECKY ROBINETTE WRIGHT                                                                                                                               Library programs offer summer fun
            The breeze rippled the flags as   day before the planning commission   more good news to share. “We
       the Pledge of Allegiance was said and   takes up the Jefferson Davis area plan,   have just been notified
       then with a very moving rendition of   we are holding the grand opening of the   that we have received a
       National Anthem by Mr. Ed Pettersen   Falling Creek substation.”       grant from Dupont that                                                                                             creating the design, cutting stencils, and   away they lived… one said you just say
       of New Hope Baptist Church, hearts     Next, Dr. Joseph Casey          will help with numerous                                                                                            finally, using silkscreen printing to the   one minute equals one mile and the
       were stirred. It was Monday, July 17   addressed the audience. “Our police   community outreach                                                                                           design onto shirts they brought to the   others nodded I agreement J. That being
       and public safety personnel and officials   department has long been part of   programs.                                                                                                  event. Chesterfield County Friends of   said, I’m not sure how much credibility
       along with many members of the     this community, today its roots grew   The station grand                                                                                               the Library graciously provided snacks   their miles traveled hold… which ranged
       community and county leaders were on   a little bit deeper. It will help to   opening meant different                                                                                     and lunch as well as programming funds   from 0-2 up to 10-20.
       hand to celebrate the grand opening of   build upon the relationship with the   things to each person,                                                                                    to help make this event happen.        To sum it up, it was a great program
       the Falling Creek Police Substation at   community.”                   and to some it was a very                                                                                             Fenella Belle presented and     with a great instructor, making for a
       5701 Jefferson Davis Highway.          Also speaking was Chesterfield   special occasion.                                                                                                 demonstrated the process, showing   great Saturday workshop at the library.
           The substation was a dream of many   County Police Chief Thierry G. Dupuis.   Tours of the station                                                                                    the teens how to do it every step of the   To find out more about activities at the
       in the county who for years desired it,   “I must mention a few things that made   were offered and                                                                                       way.  Excitement and anticipation built   libraries, visit
       worked for it and never gave up hope   this station possible, Dupuis said,” Our   refreshments were served                                                                                throughout the course of the workshop   and go to Events to register.
       that it would bear fruit, today that dream   partnership with Dupont and Bensley   after the                                                                                              for both each teens own results and those
       was realized.                      Bermuda Rescue Squad. It’s so much   program.                                                                                                          of the others.
           “Thank you all for coming,” said   that can be accomplished when the                                                                                                                     Of the eight attendees, five
       The Honorable Dorothy Jaeckle, Chair,   public and private sector come together.”                                                                                                         completed surveys, and they all gave                                                        3
       Board of Supervisors. “Isn’t it great the   Then the police chief had even                                                                                                                the program 5 out of 5 stars.  One
                                                                                                                                                                                                 impressive comment put on a survey:
                                                                                                                                                                                                 “I am not artistic, but I really liked it.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fenella was quick to jump in with a
                                                                                                                                                                 Chester Library recently hosted   helping hand, but she was excellent at
                                                                                                                                                             the program Unique Tees: Silkscreen   letting the kids try it on their own first.
                                                                                                                                                             which was organized by the Virginia   The kids really seemed to enjoy her.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    From the evaluations, the kids
                         Letters to       in one lump sum.                                                                                                   Museum of Fine Arts and is supported,   suggested they would like to see baking,
                                              Some of are better well to do which
                                                                                                                                                             in part, by the Paul Mellon Endowment
                         the Editor       does not create a financial burden,                                                                                and the Jean Stafford Camp Memorial   sculpting, and seeing animals as other
                                          whereas there are some that really
                                          depended on the ability to be able to                                                                              Fund.  Eight students ages from 12-17   programs they would like to see at the
                                                                                                                                                             participated creating their very own
                                                                                                                                                                                                 library.  It was also a bit comical to hear
                                          spread payments over a short monthly                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5
       To the Editor:                     schedule.                                                                                                          logos and putting them on t-shirts.  Steps  the teens talk about how many miles
           It was disheartening when          We can only surmise that the                                                                                   involved were envisioning a design,
       Chesterfield County made the decision   bottom line is like the commercial
       to do away with the payment plan that   depicts, “It’s my money, and I           Chester Church of Christ Gospel Meeting
       had been in place for several years   want it now!” So says Chesterfield                                                                                      Chester                      DONATE TODAY
       that allowed residents to spread their   County.                                                                                                                     VILLAGE
       personal property taxes due each June
       into several monthly payments.         Robert Johnson
           It was extremely convenient for
       those of us that could not scramble up
       several hundreds of dollars to pay out all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The county’s farmers market
            Chores and crafts                                                 THE AUTHORITY                                                                        EVERY SATURDAY                                                                  is open for the season!

                                                                                                                                                                   8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                       of the past                                                                                                                               Centre Street & Village Green Drive  Help And Hope For Those In Need              Wednesdays, 2:30-5:30 p.m., through Aug. 30.
                                                                                                                                                                    Located on the Village Green
                                                                                                                                                                       Call 748-9650 for information
           The Chesterfield Historical Society   1892 Jail will also be available.    OF CHRIST                                                                 Sponsored by the Chester Community Association & the Village News  Pick up fresh, local produce and more.
       of Virginia and Chesterfield County   Both the museum and the jail are
       Department of Parks and Recreation   located at 6813 Mimms Loop on     A special series of lessons for serious Christians                                                Serving Chester for 22 years!                               The market is located in the Chesterfield County
       will present a family-friendly event   Chesterfield’s Historic Courthouse   Please Come to Hear God’s Word! You Don’t Want to Miss These Lessons!                                                                                    Government Complex on Mimms Loop, near the School
       at the County Museum on Saturday,   Green.                                                                                                                                                                                           Board building. Follow the signs on Iron Bridge Road
       July 29.  Drop in anytime between 11   The Chesterfield Historical     Monday, July 17- Sunday, July 23
       a.m. and 1 p.m. to learn about chores   Society of Virginia For more                                                                                       Chester Muff  er & Brake Shop                                             to our market location. Take home some local fruits and
       and crafts of long ago.  Fiber artist   information or to volunteer, please   Topics:                                                                                    4215 W. Hundred Road, Chester                               vegetables, prepared foods, sweets, crafts and more.
       Jan Thomas will demonstrate the    visit www.chesterfieldhistory.      Mon    7:30 p.m.  Christ’s Authority in Scripture                                                                                                             Cash preferred.
       production of cloth from fiber to the   com.                           Tues    7:30 p.m.  Christ; Savior & Head of Church                                          Full Automotive Service
                                                                              Wed    7:30 p.m.  How Catholicism Formed
       loom. See how                                                          Thurs 7:30 p.m.  The Reformation                                                                                                                              Check us out on Facebook!
       butter was made,                                                       Fri      7:30 p.m.  Restoration of New Testament Christianity                               Open: Monday - Friday 8a - 5:30p
       and try to churn                                                       Sat      7:30 p.m.  Avoiding Apostasy Today                                                                                                             
       some yourself!                                                         Sun     9:30 a.m.  Serving Christ in the Local Church Part 1
           Chores and                                                                  10:30  a.m.  Serving Christ in the Local Church Part 2     Delivered by                                             Phone: 804/748-3978
                                                                                                                                Ron Halbrook of
       Crafts of the Past                                                                2:30  p.m.  Congregtional Singing Service    Shepherdsville, Ky.                                                     Fax: 804/748-6007
       is appropriate for                                                                3:30  p.m.  Spreading The Gospel In The Philippines
       all ages.  While                                                                                                                                                           Robbins Landscaping, Inc.
       the event is free,                                                                                                  For more information:                                           Designing, Building and
       donations are                                                          12100 Winfree Street                            (804) 796-2374
       welcome.  Tours                                                          Chester, VA 23831                                                 Maintaining Your Outdoor Dreams!
       of Chesterfield’s
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