Page 5 - 07-19-2017 full page paper
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YOUR LIFE                                                    A Completely Different Experience in Dining
       Mixing Bowl                                                                                                         LUNCH HOURS
 National Night Out is Aug. 1  Cell phone                                                                            Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
                                                                                                                          DINNER HOURS
                                                                                                                        Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
       summer                                                                                                            Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm

 There is still time for residents   Hosts or         12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898
 and businesses to plan and register   may request   call Career Officer Matt Rogers at
 neighborhood events for the 34th   visits from   (804) 318-8549.  By Gena Lashley
 Annual National Night Out, which   McGruff   here comes a time in every   into the age of technology kicking
 will take place Tuesday, Aug. 1.  the Crime   parent’s life where you have   and screaming, and while I know that
 From 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. on   Dog and   Tto eat your words; that time   this is the world my children live in
 Aug. 1, residents in neighborhoods   police   has come for me. I have always been   and need to be prepared for, I still
 throughout Chesterfield County and   department   adamant that children do not need   want them to have similar childhood
 across the nation are asked to lock   members.   cell phones before the age of 16,   experiences to mine.
 their doors, turn on outside lights,   Hosts are   when they are driving and have jobs.   My two kiddos still play, they
 and spend the evening outside with   asked to   I would snort with disgust when I saw   go outside daily; they make up
 neighbors and police. On “America’s   register   12-year-olds with cell phones, silently  games, and they have wonderful
 Night Out Against Crime,”   events by   reprimanding their parents in my head   imaginations. I truly credit – limited
 neighborhoods and businesses   July 24. To   Save the Date and Join us for VBS  (I am judgmental, I know this about   electronics. This summer we finally
 throughout Chesterfield will host a   register,   Mon-Fri, August 7-11  myself and I am constantly working   joined the pool, and they are up there
 variety of special events, including   visit http://  6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.   on it). I was firmly planted on my   almost every day, playing hard for
 Pre-register online at
 block parties, cookouts, visits from   www.  FILE PHOTO FROM NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2016. COUNTY OFFICIALS,  “No Cell Phone” soapbox until about   hours at a time. Good luck getting
 police and more.  POLICE, AND VOLUNTEERS HEADING OUT TO NEIGHBORHOODS ACROSS   or contact the church office   six months ago, when it dawned on   them to leave when all of their friends
 THE COUNTY.  at (804) 530-1391 or  me how far away my sweet boy would   are there! It’s a sight to behold, all
 email  be once he started middle school; a   of these children laughing, playing,
 Bermuda Hundred UMC
 Photo of the Week  2025 Florence Ave, Chester, VA 23836  school that is a good 35 minutes from   and swimming, and no electronics. I
                                          absolutely love it.
       where we live ( he is in a particular
       program that takes him away from       Once school begins, we will see
       his home school). I know that with   how it goes with the phone. Ya’ll just
                                          keep sending positive vibes this way,
       middle school begin the days of
 TRAYLOR   sports and clubs after school. How   and help this Mama make it through
       would he get in touch with me if he
                                          getting him off to middle school!
       needed a ride or was sick? Yep, you
         DANCE  earth and I decided that we needed                                                  Alzheimer’s
       guessed it, a cell phone.
          The most wonderful man on
       to get the boy a cell phone for
              ACADEMY  middle school. I’m not going to lie,                                  Specialty Center
       knowing that my child can call me
       on the spot does make this overly
       anxious mother feel a bit more secure
       knowing I can reach him at all times.
       Now, don’t worry, he has MAJOR
       rules with this phone. He has been
       working all summer towards getting
 REGISTRATION   the phone;you have never seen a
       more chipper adolescent vacuuming,
 FOR FALL CLASSES  putting dishes away, and cutting the
       grass. He is working hard for this
       phone, and doing it with a smile.
       It’s truly amazing, and he just better
 JULY 25 - JULY 27  continue being so pleasant once the
 5:00 p.m. - 7:00  p.m.  phone is in his hands permanently.
          Today, I let him take the phone
 August 8 - August 10  over to a friend’s house or the first   Living with Alzheimer’s: Late Stage Seminar
       time. While there, he and the friend
 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.  exchanged numbers, and, they can              presented by the Alzheimer’s Association
       now communicate without involving                         Wednesday, August 16     6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
 CALL FOR DETAILS (804)526-7585  their mothers. It’s a pretty sweet
       deal; I feel like his social secretary
 Ballet • Pointe • Tap • Jazz • Hip Hop • Lyrical • Kinderdance •   this summer.  He understands that he
 Gymnastics • Tumblebears • Modeling • Competition and Performance Teams  may have the phone when we give   Sunflower Gardens cutting-edge Alzheimer’s Specialty Center
 408 Boulevard • Colonial Heights • 526-7585  it to him this summer, and that each    is designed with neighborhoods around a town center – giving residents with
                                                    Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the chance to live normal lives.
       evening it's back in our hands and
       in our room. During the school year,
       major rules apply. I’m the psycho                    “Come take a walk through town with us”
 LOOKING FOR A STORY?   who doesn’t allow electronics during        Reservations and Deposits are now being taken
       the week (during the school year), and
 DUSTIN LIMERICK DRESSED AS ELVIS AT DUTCH GAP VIRGINIA WITH FRIENDS ON JULY   Visit  only an hour tops on weekends and   5305 Plaza Drive  Prince George, VA 23860   804-452-5000
 4TH. PHOTO SUBMITTED BY HOLLY SATTERFIELD.  in the summer. I am being dragged

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