Page 10 - January 31, 2018
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DIVERSION                                                                                         Tax problems?

                                                                                Are tax problems
                                                                                                                 keeping you awake
       County packs in events for                                                                                at night?

       Black History Month

                                                                                                                                   We can help
                                                                                                                              you resolve your
          Each year, Chesterfield County   an event to be held Feb. 10, 11 a.m. to   On the Virginia State University
       celebrates Black History Month with   noon at the Chester Library.    campus in Ettrick at the Virginia                  tax nightmare.
       a variety of programs designed to      Saturday, Feb. 17 from 10:30 a.m.   Gateway Dining Event Center, get   Free and confidential consultation.
                                                                                                                   Call today! The sooner you call,
       explore the rich, diverse background   to 11:15 a.m.  Chesterfield actors tell   a historical perspective on race in   the sooner the problem is resolved.
       of African Americans and their     about the influence of the songs of   the U.S. and how it has impacted
       contributions to the community and   slavery, hymns of the Underground   education and current events on local              804-425-9856
       nation. This celebration has been a   Railroad, Beale Street Blues’   and national levels. This, county’s
       tradition in the county for 29 years. In   and anthems of the Civil Rights   final event, will be held on Friday,   10310 Memory Lane, Suite 2E, Chesterfield, VA 23832.
       the spirit of continuous improvement,   Movement at the  North Courthouse    Feb. 23 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.
       Chesterfield County is partnering   Library. This will also be presented
       with Virginia State University. For   Feb. 17 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at                 LOSE WEIGHT
       years, the county and university   the Chesterfield Historical Society of
       have successfully partnered on     Virginia.                                                        FAST !
       many community projects, and this      At the Meadowdale Library, for
       year, began this new partnership to   grades K-12, Nathan M. Richardson
       enhance Black History Month. With   reenacts Frederick Douglass’ life as                          Quick. Easy.
       a focus on education, the university’s   a slave, his escape to freedom, and
       commitment to take on a leadership   rise as a great writer, orator, and                                  Safe.
       role with this project can only elevate   abolitionist.Richardson also brings
       its appeal in the community.       his reenactment of Frederick Douglas                      Free Weight Loss Workshops
          This year’s theme,                                                                                   Two Locations
       “African Americans in                                                                              Chester and Midlothian
       Times of War,” reflects
       the national theme.
       Educational activities will
       take place throughout                                                          
       the month of February at                                                    Breckenridge Chiropractic |12300 Bermuda Crossroads Ln. Chester | 804-748-2763
       various locations within
       the county. Chesterfield
       County Public Library and
       the Chesterfield Historical                  FREDERICK DOUGLASS
       Society of Virginia are hosting these
       free programs for Black History    to the Ettrick-Matoaca Library          We Can Help.
       Month. Registration for the library   community Monday, Feb. 19 from
       programs can be made by calling 804-  1 p.m. to 2 p.m.  and Saturday, Feb.
       751-CCPL. All Black History Month   17 from 1 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. to the
       events and programs are funded     Meadowdale Library.
       entirely by private donations.         Also on  Monday, Feb. 19 from 6    RIGHT EQUIPMENT
          Kickoff Musical Event – Live    p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Bon Air Library,
       musical performance with Fully     hear how jazz music developed, and       RIGHT NOW
       Loaded Band. Hosted by comedian    learn the basic concepts behind jazz
       Antoine Scott, with DJ Chuck Stone.   through performances of music in         CONSIDER IT DONE
       Friday, Feb. 2, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.   different eras. Victor Haskins’ Skein
          Storytell Charmaine Crowell-    will be presenting the program.
       White tells traditional African and    Tuesday, Feb. 20, from 7 p.m.
       African American folk tales. She   to 8 p.m. at the  North Courthouse              Over 600 types of rentals for
       has been scheduled for four events:   Road Library, the Chesterfield Black       residential and commercial use
       Feb. 3, 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. at   History Month Business Breakfast
       LaPrade Library; Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m. to   and Scholarship Recognition,
       8:15 p.m. at the Meadowdale Library;   featuring Retired Army Gen. Dennis     PR OP ANE                   10 % OFF
       Feb. 15, 7:30 p.m. to 8:15, Clover Hill  L. Via, will take place. This is an   EXCHANGES
       Library; and Feb. 24, 1:30 p.m. to   invitation only event. For more                                           ON YOUR
       2:15 p.m., Enon Library.           information, e-mail BHMbreakfast@                                       NEXT RENTAL
          At the Midlothian Library, Feb.                                                         Valid only at Chester United Rentals location.
                                                                                                                       Not to be combined with any other offer.
       8, from 11 a.m. to noon,                                                                                     Expires FEBRUARY 28, 2018. Limit one per customer.
                                                                                                                     Coupon must be presented at the time of purchase.
       historian Audrey Ross tells                                                                                      United Rental • 1-800-UR-RENTS
       about the often-overlooked                                                              11200 Iron Bridge Road, Chester VA
       history of African Americans in
       Midlothian.                                                                         call 804-768-2266 today!
          Children 5 to 10 years                                                Fax: 804-768-2407     STORE HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                                                                                                                      UR-GLEN ALLEN
       of age can learn about                                                               3203 Commerce Rd.       10374 Washington Hwy.
       Jackie Robinson’s life as a                                                            804- 229-5438            804- 550-2978
       professional baseball player at                                                  CONTRACTORS:  FREE ice for your
                                                        JACKIE ROBINSON                       daily crew’s water supply!

       10 JANUARY 31, 2018                                                                                    
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