Page 13 - January 31, 2018
P. 13


       Rise and Shine in the Dogpound
                                                                             ARE YOU PRETTY?                     kind of punishment. She told her she
       Dogpound                                                              A small boy turned to his aunt Mildred   couldn’t go to the Sunday school picnic
                                                                                                                 Saturday. When the day came, her mother
       winter tales                                                          and said, “Wow, you’re not pretty!” His   felt she had been too harsh and changed
                                                                             mother overheard the remark and was
                                                                                                                 her mind. When she told the little girl she
                                                                             appalled. She took him aside and gave
                                                                             him a real telling-off before ordering   could go to the picnic, the child’s reaction
                                                                                                                 was one of gloom and unhappiness.
       By  Walter “JR” Wilson
                                                                             him to go back out to say sorry to   “What’s the matter?  I thought you’d be
               ello and welcome back to   soup, and of late I have had some serious   Aunt Mildred. Suitably chastened, the   glad to go to the picnic.”  Her mother
               the wonderful world of the   problems with my ham and bean soup.  I   boy went over and said quietly, “Aunt   said.  “It’s too late!”  The little girl said.
       HDogpound.  Well, not so great;    like my beans soft and mushy, however,   Mildred, I’m sorry you’re not pretty.”  “I’ve already prayed for rain.”
       one of my water lines froze up and as of   for some reason they have remain fairly
       this writing my plumber has not been able  hard despite the soaking and slow all-day   PET SHOP           That is all I have for today.  As always, be
       to determine if the line is frozen under the  cooking efforts.  This time I soaked the   A man went to a pet shop and asked for   good, do good, play safe and remember:
       house or outside where it joins the water   beans twice over two full days….then I   a bird that could sing. The proprietor   when all else fails, say something funny.
       meter.  Well, good news [a few days   cooked them several times over several   brought out a gorgeous tropical bird,   JR
       later], we had a break in the cold weather   more days, which…finally…resulted   looked the bird in the eye, puckered
       and I now have running water.  Yea! As   in my nice mushy beans [guess they   his lips, and started to whistle. The bird
       far as I can tell, there was no permanent   finally gave up…lol!].   A lot of work, but    took up the very note and finished the
       damage, but I won’t know for sure until   nothing  like a good bowl of bean/ham   tune with him. “That’s mighty fine,” the
       the plumber gets under the house where   soup on a cold winter day.    customer said, “but I’d never pay money
       he will put in some pipe insulation and                               for that bird. His right leg’s crippled.” “I
       electric wrap to make sure this does not   THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK       thought you wanted me to sing!” cried
       happen again.  There was a little bit of                              the bird. “I gotta dance, too?”
       good news…I finally made some decent   “Laughter is the shortest distance
       bean soup.  I have mentioned in the past   between two people.” Dogpound Wisdom  POWER OF PRAYER
       that I like to make different types of
                                                                             The minister’s little six-year-old girl had
                                                                             been so naughty during the week that
                                                                             her mother decided to give her the worst

                                                                                 DANIELS, WILLIAMS,

                                                                                        TUCK & RITTER

                                                                                                ATTORNEYS AT LAW

                                                                                          Engaged in the General
                                                                                      Practice of Law, Including:
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                                                                               • Collections                           Litigation

                                                                                                     Graham C. Daniels
                                                                                                     Travis R. Williams
                                                                                                        cheryl s. tuck
                                                                                                       Todd M. Ritter
                                                                                                     PAUL L. SPAULDING

                                                                                                Located In Chester At
                                                                                                  11901 Ironbridge rd.
                                                                                                       P.O. box 3570
                                                                                             Chester, Virginia 23831–8481
                                                                                             Telephone: 804-748-9803
                                                                                     Evening Appointments Available                                                                                              JANUARY 31, 2018  13
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