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        WWI 100 years ago in Chesterfield County

        Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia

           n April 1917, Congress declared war   A number of WWI soldiers were   more about the experiences of county   the CHSV library held little information
           on Germany.  That put into motion a   trained in Chesterfield County and   residents during WWI, as well as   on WWI, and it was scattered in a few
           Selective Service Act and the inevitable   at Camp Lee, the sprawling training   details of a commemorative event that   books on the library shelves.  The CHSV
       Idrafting of Chesterfield County’s young   center of the famed 80th Mountain   will culminate on Nov. 11, at the 1917   is grateful to the many volunteers who
        men.  History tells us that out of over   Division who first saw action in France.    Historic Courthouse.  work tirelessly to make the library
        1,600 men who enlisted, only 167 were   Chesterfield County soldiers like Finley   Thanks to a dedicated group of   what it is today: a well utilized library
        drafted.  How many joined the military   Albright served with the famed 80th   CHSV genealogy volunteers, we now   to which visitors have traveled from
        is unknown.  We know that in our county   Division in France; others like Henry   have a growing amount of WWI research   places throughout the nation as well as
        and the surrounding metropolitan area,   N. Terrell, Burrell Fischer, William   available, but the historical society seeks   overseas just to research their Chesterfield
                                                                             more.   The Genealogy Committee
        Chesterfield men who served in World War   Austin, James E. Cole, and Joseph   research is now on file in the CHSV   ancestors. That speaks volumes for a
        I are buried in well-kept cemeteries, an   H. Cox,  went to other army posts for   reference library located at 10111 Iron   small library and the volunteers who
                                                                                                                staff it.  The historical society library is a
        abandoned cemetery and some not so well-  training and then to France.    Bridge Road in Chesterfield, ready for   one stop source for Chesterfield County
        maintained.  Over 400 WWI veterans’   Corporal Nathan Pride, a farmer   future researchers to discover something   history. Volunteers are always needed and
        graves have been located and documented   who lived in Chester, fought with the   about their ancestor who fought in the   appreciated.  Visit Chesterfieldhistory.
        by the Chesterfield Historical Society of   318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division   Great War.  Prior to its current research,   com for more information.
        Virginia.  More may soon be found and   and died of his wounds Aug. 2, 1918,
        preserved for future research.     in France.  He is buried in the Somme
            The centennial of World War I began   American Cemetery, Bony, France.
        in August 2014 and will end on Veterans   The son of John Pride, Nathan was the                                                                           Chester Muff  er & Brake Shop
        Day 2018.  Why should we remember?    first Chesterfield County man to die in
        Why should we stop and think about   WWI, just four months shy of his 22nd
        those events that happened so long ago?    birthday.    Nathan Pride was a member
        Because by the end of the First World War   of the Second Baptist Church of
        in 1918, there were very few people in   Petersburg, where a memorial service
        the countries that took part who remained   was held for him on Sept. 13, 1918.
        unaffected. The war reached out and   The county would soon lose more
        touched almost everyone’s life.   Even here   young men, and another year would
        in Chesterfield County, the war reached   pass before the world quit fighting
        into many homes and snatched a young   amongst its nations and the “boys”
        man.  In 1917 as the 1749 Courthouse, our   would come home.   Chesterfield
        first courthouse, was being razed, over 100   County lost 37 men, and many more
        Chesterfield men were encamped on the   were wounded and marred for life.
        courthouse green ready to be shipped by   Those that did return home tried
        trains to different training camps around   their best to meld back into a life of
        the United States.  Some had already   normalcy. Most were successful, but a
        shipped out; they were members of the   few that could not paid the price for the
        National Guard who were sent to bolster   rest of their lives.
        National Army units.  Others joined up   The Chesterfield Historical Society    A Completely Different Experience in Dining
        after being drafted.  Chesterfield County   of VA has details on many more WWI
        children grew up in the shadow of war,   veterans, and their stories should be
        their fathers absent or lost. Women   told: from their draft to training camps,                                  LUNCH HOURS
        became directly involved, taking jobs in   to where they fought in the war to how                           Sun-Fri 11:00 am - 2:15 pm
        industry and agriculture as the men went   those Chesterfield veterans returned                                 DINNER HOURS
        off to fight. By 1918, some of the younger   home to start a new life.  If we want to                          Sun - Thu 4 pm - 9 pm
                                                                                                                       Fri - Sat 4 pm - 10 pm
        children aged enough to join the army to   understand today, we need to know and
                                           remember what happened yesterday.
        serve their country.               Throughout 2018, expect to hear                 12730 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Chester – 804.751.9898


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