Page 4 - January 31, 2018
P. 4

YOUR LIFE                                                                       Calling all past


       The language                                                              Chester Cotillion members!

                                                                                                                      Do you remember  learning the
       of flowers                                                                                                 foxtrot to the sounds of a piano
                                                                                                                  playing on the top floor of the
                                                                                                                  Chester Fire Station? Do you
                                                                                                                  remember when Chester Cotillion
          During the Victorian Era,                                                                               was held at the Chester  Community
       flowers were used as ways to                                                                               Center? Hard to believe, but this
       send subtle messages to others.                                                                            beloved  Chester tradition started in
       Spend Valentine’s Day with the                                                                             1958 and after 60 years of teaching
       backpack storyteller Deborah                                                                               the youth of Chester to dance,
       Alsko as she describes the                                                                                 Mr. Phillips is retiring!
       romantic form of communication                                                                                 To honor him at this year's
       known as floriography.                                                                                     formal, we would love to hear your
          Alsko is a former                                                                                       stories and memories of Chester
       Chesterfield County elementary                                          MR. AND MRS. PHILLIPS              Cotillion throughout the years! Do
       school teacher with a background                                                            you remember Mrs. Phillips spinning the records or
       in both education and recreation.                                      when they played 8-track tapes? We want to hear from you! Please share a
       Her unique style and the magic of                                      memory or picture or both with us. Did you and your group of friends meet for
       storytelling engage her audience.                                      dinner before or after cotillion? Did Mr. Phillips like fancy socks and crazy ties
          The backpack storyteller has                                        back in the day? Let us know if you are 2nd- or 3rd-generation families.
       presented programs for public                                              All Cotillion Alumni please  join us for a reception to honor Mr. Phillips.  We
       libraries and schools in the City                                    PHOTO COURTESY OF THE BACKPACK STORYTELLER.COM  will gather after the formal at 9:00 pm.  The formal is Saturday, February 24  at
       of Richmond and Chesterfield                                           L. C. Bird High School.  For questions e-mail
       County, for the Dogwood Dell
       Festival of the Arts, and for                                          Please mail or e-mail us your fondest Chester Cotillion memories  or
       various area preschools and                                            pictures by Feb. 17, 2018 to: Chester Cotillion P.O. Box 2307 Chester,
       retirement homes. She is active in
       the storytelling community and                                         VA 23831 or
       currently serves as president of   BACKPACK STORYTELLER DEBORAH ALSKO
       the Richmond Story League.                                             Chester Cotillion sponsored by the Junior Federated Women’s Club of Chester
          Alsko’s program will take place
       Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 11 a.m. at
       Chesterfield County Museum, 6813
       Mimms Loop, Chesterfield. This is an
       Active Lifestyles program for seniors
       age 50-plus. Seating will be limited for
       this program, to register by calling the
       county museum at 768-7311. While the
       event is free, donations are welcome.
       For details, call 768-7311, or visit http://

       CERT Course begins Feb. 21

          Chesterfield County’s popular
       Community Emergency Response Team
       training is scheduled to begin Feb. 21.
          The initial training course teaches
       basic emergency response skills that are
       essential in the critical moments after a
       disaster before first responders arrive.
       Classes are held each Wednesday evening
       over eight consecutive weeks, except for
       week five, which will be held on a Monday.
       Topics include light duty search and rescue,                                                                                *
       fire safety and suppression, basic medical          Four Legged Friendly
       care, terrorism awareness, emergency
       communications and disaster psychology.
       Graduates receive certificates and CERT
       emergency gear.                                               You no longer have to choose between
          There is no charge for the course,
       which is open to persons aged 18 and older             retirement living and living with your best friend!
       who apply. Space is limited, so enroll early.
       The deadline to enroll is Feb. 16.
          Online registration is available at                                                                                       *restrictions apply, by e-mailing, or by calling 804-  6701 Ironbridge Parkway  |  Chester, VA 23831  |  804.748.7000  |
       751-CERT (2378).
       04   JANUARY 31,  2018                                                                                 
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