Page 18 - me-04-e-digital
P. 18

> Noa Lutsky                           online materials, "so the shift to  the Zoom app".
                                        online learning was a naught‫־‬       So everyone pitched in.
Have you ever felt                      to‫־‬sixty type of leap," says        "In this type of effort, one
                like you were part of   Assoc. Prof. Or.                    individual can be the difference
                history in the making?  When the current crisis erupted,    between failure and success,
                Most people never       "we quickly realized that online    and the vast majority of faculty
                do. But somehow,        learning will be key, and our       members adapted to the new
  the global coronavirus crisis has     first step was to acquire the       situation with total commitment.
  all of us feeling that something      necessary equipment for our         It wasn’t a natural transition for
  big is happening, something           lecturers‫־‬graphic tablets,          some. We have older and retired
  that is forcing humanity to           high‫־‬quality webcams,               faculty members, some who
  withdraw and reorganize, to           USB connectors. Everyone,           work outside the faculty and are
  look at almost everything we          ourselves include, stormed          extremely busy‫־‬but nearly all
  do differently. This dramatic         the computer hardware stores        of them found a way to carry on
  change is taking place at a time      and our administrative and          teaching and even to administer
  of emergency and uncertainty.         IT staff acquired video and         online exams. We made a
  For the Technion’s students,          recording equipment at an           special effort to help students in
  whose curriculum is normally a        impressive speed. They turned       their final year, to enable them
  highly structured constant, the       three classrooms into veritable     to complete their degree".
  situation put in question many        studios. Our faculty members        The challenge wasn’t just a
  issues. For faculty members,                                              technological one.
  who must prepare course               Prof. Izhak Bucher: "The            "Certainly. Some of our faculty
  materials well ahead of classes,      students had to build               members are parents to young
  the disruption was even greater.      their own laboratories at           children who were also at
  These days, the Faculty of            home, and connect them              home at the time. The lack of
  Mechanical Engineering is             to the laboratory at the            interpersonal interaction is also
  making its first‫־‬ever real            Technion. This learning             very challenging; during an
  distance learning run, certainly      process stimulated their            online class, you don’t always
  in terms of scale and scope, with     creativity and proactivity."        know who is attending your
  nearly 90% of all courses now                                             lecture or whether the students
  available online. "The challenge      were given emergency staff          understand what you are
  was enormous," admits Assoc.          clearance, so that they could       relating".
  Prof. Yizhar Or, who, in his          come in and record their lectures   How did you support faculty
  current position as Faculty           in the classrooms".                 members and students?
  Vice Dean for Teaching Affairs,       "The lecturers were free            "First of all, the academic staff
  directed the transition to online     to choose their method of           tried to be available as much
  learning. While other faculties       teaching," Prof. Or explains.       as possible, to help with any
  and departments made tentative        "Some opted to make all             problem or question. The
  online learning attempts over         learning materials digital, some    Technion’s Center for Promotion
  the years, offering several           preferred to make video or audio    of Learning and Teaching issued
  of their classes as MOOCs             recordings of their lectures and    instructional videos on how to
  (Massive Open Online Courses),        send them to their students, and    use online tools. Many solved
  the Faculty of Mechanical             others gave live classes using      the problems they encountered
  Engineering did not develop any                                           themselves, but we made a
                                                                            point of giving extra support to

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