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external lecturers, who surprised    Assoc. Prof. Yizhar Or:           unidirectional: The students
us with their willingness to         “Our faculty members              read, listen, or watch and try
adjust and to contribute to the      adapted to the new                to understand the material
effort.                              situation and were totally        independently; and learning
"Our faculty, specifically, faces    committed. It wasn’t a            is evaluated through written
a dual challenge, because we         natural transition for some.      assignments submitted to the
are operating an international       We have older and retired         instructor and, in many cases,
undergraduate program and            faculty members, lecturers        through a final exam. Group
all our courses are taught           with young families…”             discussions were, of course,
simultaneously in English by                                           impossible.
a group of English‫־‬speaking          lecturers after the courses are   A significant change took place
lecturers. Some of our students      completed".                       when mass communication
got stuck in different parts of the                                    means and infrastructure
world‫־‬and they are continuing        A long history                    developed and became
their studies as usual. They are                                       universally available, in
really learning from a distance".    Surprisingly enough, distance     particular, with the Internet’s
What was your own experience,        learning has a long history. Its  widespread use. Learning
as a lecturer?                       earliest roots can be traced      can now be interactive,
"Despite the advantages of           to correspondence education       synchronized, and take the
digital technology, I really         in the 19th century, when it      form of a dialogue‫־‬even across
miss the interaction with the        enabled residents of remote       vast distances. With this type
students, which cannot be            settlements and members of        of learning, regardless of
replaced or simulated‫־‬the eye        the lower classes to acquire      whether or not it is combined
contact, the sense that they         an education. Since then,         with lecture‫־‬style instruction,
are really with me. Most of my       distance learning has evolved     the student learns not only the
students turn their cameras off      hand in hand with emerging        course material, but also how to
during class, which makes it         technological developments‫־‬       use the Web and the resources
even harder to teach. Personally,    using audio tapes and radio       it provides. Online learning
at the beginning and at the end      broadcasts, television programs,  also generates databases and
of each class I ask my students      video tapes, and then the         reusable materials, developing
to turn on their cameras".           Internet.                         and creating new knowledge.
Do you think the Faculty will        Over the years, distance          According to Dr. Amalia Ran,
support online learning in the       learning was characteristically   who studies online learning at
future?                                                                the MOFET Institute in Tel‫־‬Aviv,
"Without a doubt. We have                                              the first university to permit free
been trying to digitize course                                         use of its online courses without
materials on an on‫־‬going                                               compromising its copyright was
basis, which caused concern for                                        MIT. In 2002, UNESCO adopted
some. The current crisis forced                                        the term "massive online open
everyone to give it a try, leading                                     courses" to describe learning
to the realization that online                                         resources that are freely
teaching is possible. Another                                          available for non‫־‬commercial
advantage is that most of the                                          use. A new kind of connection
digital materials will remain                                          formed between students of all
available to students and                                              types and the information they

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