Page 18 - annual report 2023
P. 18

Story Highlights and Impact 2023

For Arabs in                         A sensitive investigation by Shomrim journalist Fadi Amun
Israel, Coming                                looked at the distressing situation faced by members
Out is a Matter                      of the LGBTQ community from the Arab community in Israel.
of Life or Death                     The article included interviews with gay Arabs, some of whom
                                     were willing to be identified and others who asked to remain
Fadi Amun                            anonymous; they described the difficulties and problems
                                     that Arab members of the LGBTQ community typically face –
   Arwa Adam, Project Director       including credible and tangible threats to their lives. The article
   at the Beit el-Meem project.      was also published on the Mako website.
   A home for all gender and sexual  Tragically, the day after the article was published, 18-year-
   identities in Arab society.       old Sarit Ahmed Shakour was murdered. Subsequently, an
    Photo by: Shlomi Yosef           indictment was filed against her brother, who is suspected
                                     of having commissioned the murder due to Sarit’s sexual
                                     orientation. The case highlighted the importance of Fadi’s
                                     investigation and how vital it is to get the plight of gay Arabs in
                                     Israel onto the public agenda.

                                                                                          Impact: Fadi’s reporting
                                                                                          was covered widely by
                                                                                          the Israeli media and
                                                                                          he was asked to give
                                                                                          interviews to the Kan
                                                                                          Culture radio station,
                                                                                          as well as podcasts
                                                                                          published by Channel 12
                                                                                          News, Kan 11 and Ynet.

                                                                                          The Knesset’s Special
                                                                                          Committee on Young
                                                                                          Israelis held an
                                                                                          emergency session
                                                                                          to discuss the LGBTQ
                                        community in Arab society. Fadi was asked to attend the
                                        discussion, to present the findings of his investigation, and
                                        to represent all those who could not attend in person due to
                                        fear for their personal safety and in order not to reveal their

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